Chapter 38

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'I am proud of you.' In the car, Nick pulls the cap off Jake's head and ruffles his hair. 'You are starting to become a real man.'

'Bullsh*t.' mutters Jake, but his cheeks are glowing and he can't stop the big smile growing on his face,

'I'm going to the bar tonight, are you coming with me?' 

Jake looks up at him with the speed of light. 'The bar?!'

'Yeah... I have to work and you can do what you want to do. It's up to you to decide how you're going to use that freedom. But tomorrow, we are going back to how it was in the past week.'

'You're... you're leaving it up to me?' Jake asks in disbelief. 

'Just one night.' Nick stresses. 'I think it's okay if I let you go off on your own for a bit. Please don't do anything dumb though.'

'Thanks bro!' Jake hugs Nick, feeling a bit emotional for the nth time this day. What is Nick doing to me? 

Nick clears his throat. 'Will you let go of me now? I still need to drive us home.'


Jake plans to go wild tonight, like always. First drink, forget everything, then find a girl. Or the other way round. It doesn't matter. He'll ask for her consent first.

He orders a beer happily, which Nick prepares for and hands over to him. Jake wants to drink it all in one gulp, but half-way, the doubt kicks in.

Should I do this?

Should I, right when things are going up, fall back in my old patterns?

Didn't I promise Jay and Joshua...

'Hi Jake~ you're back!'

He looks up from his glass and sees a gorgeous brunette with wavy, long hair, nice curves, a tight crop top and a pair of very short shorts. She has long, tanned legs and seems slightly familiar.

'Do you not recognize me anymore? I am Shamila. A month ago..?'

'Oh!' Probably one of my one night stands. 'Shamila, yes! You look gorgeous tonight.'

'I can say that to you as well, handsome~' Shamila puts her hand on his shoulder and leans over. 'Wanna dance?' she whispers.

Jake expected himself to be very excited. Shamila is hot, sexy and an easy-going person. But why am I feeling so reluctant?

He fakes a big smile and nonchalantly says: 'It would be a great honour for me to dance with a beauty like you.'

She giggles and offers him her hand, he takes it and jumps off the bar stool. He glances at Nick, who looks up. A second, their eyes meet. Nick's gaze flutters at Jake's hand, then back to Jake. Jake sees a strange expression on his face, which he can't explain, yet he feels a sting in his heart. But then, Shamila pulls him away already.

They dance, but Jake's mind is wandering elsewhere. They kiss, but Jake doesn't feel anything. No matter how hard he tries to concentrate, he just can't get into it. So when her hands slide under his T-shirt, he breaks the kiss. 'I'm sorry, I...'

'You're not into it yet, right?' Shamila's hand slides over his arm lightly. 'Don't worry, we can find a room and I will awaken your desire. I am good at what I do, you know that, right?'

Jake sighs. Maybe he can get in the mood when they find a room, but...

Do I want that?

Nick's look reappears in his mind. It was a look of disappointment.

Jake wants to go back to Nick, he doesn't want to disappoint him,

'I'm sorry, Shamila.' he says. 'I really can't.'

He brushes her hand off him and walks away.


Word count: 568


Have I ever told you that I based Jake's appearance off Leondre Devries from Bars and Melody in A Thousand Years? Check the song at the beginning of the chapter, the rapper. They lit.

He do be cute tho but he's also 2 years younger than Jake here-

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He do be cute tho but he's also 2 years younger than Jake here-

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