chpt 1

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I always wanted to meet him, but I wish it hadn't been this way. I always fantasized on how our first encounter would be if we met, what we would talk about, and where we'd go. But the major problem wasn't a language barrier, or the fact we were miles away. The problem was that he was fictional. He was just a character in an anime series to which I had fallen in love with. I spent time reading the manga and watching the anime. I drew fanart on him and would daily read fanfictions about him but in the end he was just somebody who was made on paper and animation.

"Dammit...",I sighed irritated as I stared at the unfinished art I was doing on him

I spent majority of my time in my room, just keeping to myself the rest of my family would be found in the living, kitchen or backyard. But I was always in my room occasionally leaving for more food and drinks. Only the necessities I needed. In truth my family was disappointed in how much I fantasized with an unrealistic world, and spent my time cooped up inside. But they couldn't complain it wasn't as if I was out drinking or doing drugs, I was being a well behaved daughter. I was already starting college after summer ended so it wasn't as if they could say anything.

Leaning back on my bed my tablet on my lap, I stretched. My room was a mess I had posters of anime and manga all scattered around. I picked up my favorite plushie. It was him, hawks, he was the character who I couldn't help but fantasize about. He had messy blonde hair and a smug smile to his face as well as a pair of red wings on his back. This imaginary fictional character had gotten my heart, this wouldn't have been so bad if he was real but he wasn't.

"Hey!",my sister poked her head in through the open door,"Do you want something from the store?"

"Hmm nah I'm good",you replied as you stepped off your bed towards your dresser.

"Alright but mom wanted me to remind you, we're going to aunts house tomorrow!",she yelled as she quickly disappeared into the hall.

"Ah shit",you mumbled.

You loved your aunt but where she lived was a rural area with bad wifi and not to mention her house was a good walking distance from any society. So whenever you wanted to get a snack, instead of walking a 5 minute distance from the store to your house, it was a 30 minute walk or more. Not counting the time walking back to her house from the store.

Usually on these trips to visit you'd pack a regular sketchbook and books. Considering your tablet and computer wouldn't work so well over there. Taking a look in your mirror you could make out how messy you looked. Your hair was tangled an unkempt, wearing sweats and your usual big t-shirt, also not to mention the obvious bags under your eyes. This annoyed you, you were constantly telling yourself you'd change and try on your outwards appearance only to forget and continue your daily routine of sleeping and eating. If you were being honest you knew that even if hawks did exist there wasn't a slightest chance he'd go for you.

"People can only dream...",you mumbled as you began brushing out the tangles

The following morning went as planned. Leaving early having packed the bags in the trunk. The road trip was as long as two hours. We had planned to stay for a week since my parents has asked off work, and it was summer so school wasn't demanding. The car trip was silent with your parents occasional bicker here and there. Thankfully you'd brought along your ipod and was happily enjoying your music. You were deep in your book when you felt the car slow down and eventually come to a stop. As you glanced out the window you came go realize you had arrived.

"Hey!",your aunt excitedly yelled as she walked over to greet you.

"Hi Martha long time no see!",your dad got off the car as he greeted her with a hug, and your mom followed after.

You stepped out of the car and into the familiar looking area. The area was a big field of grass, and trees. A small town was seen in the far distance. Not many people lived there and those that did own a house there, only used it as a vacation home considering the good weather and lake that was located there.

After everyone had finished saying their hellos, the unpacking began. Your aunt lived alone after she'd divorced her husband and now the house was hers after having won it from him. Her house was a two story house with four bedrooms, her kitchen, bathroom and living room. Your parents would share a room, leaving two extras for you and your sister to have. The room was big, and the bed was too. Having placed everything away safely in the drawers and closet. You let yourself fall on the bed and stretch.

"I'm tired..",you mumbled as you rolled on your side to check on your messages and on any updates from your friends. But your phone was dry as ever.

"Hey, auntie wants us to have dinner outside",you sister pipped in as she leaned against the doorway

"Ugh but the mosquitos",you groaned as you covered your face with your hands in annoyance but sighed,"I'll be there."

Dinner was boring, with the adults talking about work, life etc. You were quick to finish your meal and make a run for it back in your room. Once inside you were able to relax, you pulled out your sketchbook from your bag and began sketching. As you began wings started taking shape on the page, soon your hand was moving on its on scribbling away. Until the pencils tip snapped and broke off, you paused and stared.

"Shit...",you sighed, and traced a finger over his face,"...."

Just a Dream (hawksxreader)Where stories live. Discover now