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He ran to your side, cradling your body against his. He couldn't fly to help, his wings were pretty much gone. Only a few feathers left. His phone had been damaged in the fight. He picked you up and began running.

"Keigo..",you croaked out

"I'm here songbird, I'm here",he spoke gently as he kept moving

"Your wings..."

"Forget them, just stay with me ok?",he choked out

He could faintly feel your hand brush against his remaining feathers, as you did the feeling of feathers regrowing made him falter, but he kept moving.

"Keigo...",you mumbled,"please don't forget me..",you voice softened as you body went limp.

This sent him into a full panick mode. Looking for help in the dark empty streets. He needed time but time was running out. It wasn't until a couple out for a night stroll saw him.

"Call an ambulance!",hawks pleaded as he kept a tight hold on you,"come on kid stay with me.".

The paramedics were quick to arrive, they had to convince hawks to let go off you. As it seemed his mate side rejected the idea of letting go. The ride was tense as hawks rode inside as well, flinching and feathers rustling ever time the nurse that was with you moved or touched you.

"Sir please, I have to",the nurse sighed as he held the sirenge in his hand

Hawks now recovered feathers only furthered fluffed up in anger as he was leaning over your body.

"Sir, if you don't let me treat this patient she could die",the nurse snapped

This brought hawks back as he hesitantly stepped back but still lingered watching the doctors every move.

You however found yourself fighting to remain calm. Even with your body physically asleep. You found yourself wide awake in your memories that had been hidden. Each memory that had been locked all the way in the back of your head were popping up, each memory as worse as the first one. Constant yelling, being put down, shamed...those were the things that you'd grown up with. The things that made you.

But he'd chosen you. He'd fallen in love with you. Even when you would say those things of him never looking your way, he did.

"(Y/n)!",a voice in the distance out, a soft  light admist your pain.

Your eyes slowly opened, a hazy mess you were. You were barely able to take in your surroundings when the warmth of somebody's embrace took you over. The soft feathers tickling your face as you turned.

"(Y/n)...",the red feathered man spoke softly, he spoke your name in such a gentle manner as if raising his voice would seperate you.

"Keigo...",you whispered in response as you embraced him, your arms trembling as your brain took in the reality of the moment..

"Don't ever scare me like that kid",he chuckled as he raised his gaze towards you, his eyes red from crying. .

"I'm sorry",was all you were able to breath out as you admired him

"Next time no matter what happens to me, run",he held your hand in a tight grip,"I know I promised to stay away but I can't...you're constantly running through my mind, I can't concentrate on work if I don't know if you're safe, if you've eaten, slept, I just cant!"

Seeing him worked up and upset over you, had your heart melting. Tears streamed down your face. You'd never been told by someone that you were that important to them, no one. Yet a famous pro hero, a man who could have anyone, had chosen you. You reached your hands out and gently cupped his face.

"Keigo Takami, I could never leave you behind",you choked out as you smiled softly,"Never."

His eyes widened slightly, his wings puffed up as he buried his face on the crook of your neck.

"What am I going to do with you kid?",he chuckled

You didn't answer as the doctor decided to come in during that moment.

"Ah good to see you're awake, how are you feeling?"

"I'm good thank you",you replied, stroking hawks hair as he had refused to budge off

"Ah Mr hawks, found yourself another girl",the doctor jokingly teased him

Hawks feathers puffed up as he straightened up,"There is only one women for me-"

"I know, don't get ruffled up on me now, either way ms (y/n), No worries it seems you passed out due to very high levels of stress, you should take some time off and relax at home for awhile",the doctor took another glance toward his clipboard,"I also heard about your memory loss, how has that been going?"

"Ive managed to retrieve my memories",you replied back, but averting your gaze.

"I see that's good to hear. I'll bring some papers for you to sign and you should be ready to head home."

"Thank you."

Hawks watched as the man exited the room and turned slowly to you.

"(Y/n), I want to apologize. I shouldnt have lied or kept you in the dark. You deserved to know, you were right I didnt put into consideration your feelings. I was so focused on finding out the truth, I neglected the fact you were a person",he spoke softly as he took a deep breath,"I know you're aware of who I am, what I am doing and how I grew up."

You nodded,"Yes I'm aware."

"You're also aware that being with me, isn't a good idea?... Its not that I don't want you around kid. But what happened back there won't be the last one. There are more to come..and what if I can't protect you? What if I'm to far away? Or there are to many?!",he yelled as he held his head, his wings seemed tense.

You could only stare, the man that had seemed cool and calm through the screen. Was more than that, he felt pain, sadness, and rarely happiness. He was at a loss, he yearned for love he didn't have but was afraid. He was afraid he'd damage that important thing to him, you. He was scared of losing you.

"Keigo...",you held his hand as he calmed down, you both sat there in silence,"I'm staying with you, I'll fight alongside you...please."

He slowly raised his face, and smiled softly. His eyes were filled with so many raw emotions it almost brought you to tears. A laugh erupting from him. He grinned.

"Welcome to the team kid."

Just a Dream (hawksxreader)Where stories live. Discover now