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It was still early afternoon, you both baked and tried to drown out the heavy feeling inside you both. You ended up finishing a batch of cupcakes. Hawks had silently sat there but dedicated himself to decorating them. You watched as he frowned whenever the icing was wrong.

You chuckled, catching his attention. You weren't aware but whenever you weren't looking, he'd be looking your way admiring you. Taking in all your features as a way to remember you and not forget his songbird. As he iced the cupcakes his hands trembled, he knew why. His whole body knew why, he was trying to act normal after his break down but it didn't get any better. When it barely began turning darker, you both went for a walk around the city. He showed you all his favorite places, and where he loved to eat the most. You voted on eating there, he seemed embarrassed as he claimed he could take you to a five stat restaurant.

"No I want to know, what makes Keigo happy",you replied as you took a seat in an empty booth

He smiled softly, taking your hand from across the table,"Do you?."

"Tell me",You replied intertwining your hands together

"You of course",he replied leaving you flustered as the waitress arrived giving you no time to respond.

You both ordered and chatted, about your favorite things, what songs you enjoyed. You spoke about everything important and about the small things. The whole time your hands remained together. Neither pulled their hand back as it felt like the ending of something. The food was good, you wouldn't stop teasing him on his fanboy phase with endeavor. As He turned red you only smiled, you didn't want to ruin something to him if it brought him atleast a minimal sense of comfort.

You found yourself sitting at a near by grass field, a small pond in sight, he'd flown there without a word even when you asked him multiple times. You both gazed towards the sky watching as it changed colours, the clouds drifting by slowly amd occasional bird or two flying by. Hawks stood up as he reached a hand towards you, the wind ruffling his already messy hair. Without a word you took it, he held you gently as you both swayed in the comfort of each other's company. You leaned your head on his chest, the rapid beating of his heart could be heard. You closed your eyes letting yourself enjoy it.

"You asked why here...",he spoke softly as he kept swaying,"...this is where I found you."

You stopped and so did he, as you turned to face the pond. Its clear and blue water still, everything had stopped, as the painful truth youd been trying so hard to ignore came raging back. You closed your eyes shut letting yourself relax, as you took a single step into the water. Hawks body became tense, as he stood besides you, both your feet in the water.

"Why?",you asked softly

"It felt right, there wasn't a better place to say...",he trailed off clearing his throat,"Besides it's very beautiful place."

"It is..",you mumbled,"Kiego I know you said to not say anything negative about myself but I'm scared, you won't be there. I can barely stand up for myself, I cry easily, I'm not the strong (y/n), youve come to meet from this world."

He have your hand a squeeze as he looked towards the dark sky,""You're strong and amazing",he spoke softly,"Going through all that pain, you're something else kid, you don't need me to protect you anymore. You're a hero on your own",his voice became unsteady as he finished his sentence.

"Keigo I-!"-''(Y/n) I-!",you both simultaneously turned towards each other's and stopped, laughing at the irony.

"You go first",he said.

"I wanted to thank you for everything, even when there was a misunderstanding you tried hard for me and for that I am very thankful",you smiled softly as you felt something off with your body but you didn't dare look even when small orbs of light began floating up, even when Keigo's eyes began watering and your own,"Keigo Takami I've fallen in love with you."

He stifled a laugh as he wiped his tears away. He knew it was time, your body had begun to turn into orb lights fading away. You stood- no more like floated before him, your loving smile still on his face. Just like his own;tears decorated your face. He brought you into his arms holding your body against his, feeling the warmth and comfort your arms brought him.

"(Y/n) (L/n), thank you...for bringing meaning to my name. For teaching me how to be happy",his body trembled, he felt a knot form in the back of his throat but he continued,"(Y/n)! I love-",he froze when a sudden bright light cut him off and in an instant you were gone, the sound of the necklace that had been on you seconds ago hitting the ground infront of him.

He stared in silence, but slowly allowed himself to fall his arms wrapped around himself trying to conserve the warmth of your body that was slowly escaping his grasp, his shoulders shook as he cried on his knees. He cried and cursed at the world, for bringing him someone he couldn't have. He cried as he held your necklace tightly against his chest. He's told himself he could handle any form of pain but he felt like he was slowly dying in that very moment. He abruptly stood up, and turned towards the sky a melancholic look on his face.

"Dont forget me! Please! Its fine if you leave my side! But don't forget me! You hear me?!",he screamed into the air, he took a deep breath as he began screaming,"(Y/n)! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you!"

Tears poured down his face, he kept screaming your name out to the world to hear. He screamed, his screams could be heard far, the screams of a broken hearted man. He screamed late into the night until his throat couldn't say another word. He stood there in silence, pendant in hand. Staring longily toward the sky, for the first time. Even the sky seemed to have him trapped.
Your eyes fluttered open, Your vision was a mess but slowly began to clear. A hospital room, there next to your bed sat your sister her head on the bed as she slept.

Ah..the lake...Your eyes shot open as you remebered the lake. You jumped to a sitting position, as tears streamed down your face. Everything hitting all at once. You buried your head into your knees and sobbed uncontrollably.

You sister woke up startled,"Sis.."she teared up,"I was so worried!",she embraced you both crying together.

Hawks..Hawks Hawks! You called for him, to no avail. You reached for the pendant only to find it missing, your heart sunk. Right...It was just...a dream.

Soon your parents and aunts burst into the room. Everyone was crying and talking at once. You only sat there and smiled at them, taking in everything they were saying. Once home everything felt off, your room the only place of comfort you had, felt lonely and empty. You traced a hand over a your desk where sketches of him were scattered about. Movement from the corner of your eye caught your attention, making you turn.

"Hey kiddo nice drawings", hawks stood by the door as he exmained the drawings,"but the drawings you made of me are way superior don't you agree?"

"Keigo..",you called out softly

"You're strong kid, rest. You don't need me anymore",he smiled but the smile didn't hide the tear that fell down his cheek

You reached to him but as your hand went to brush his face he faded. He'd created an empty void in your heart, you knew no one would be able to re-fill.
You worked and studied hard, getting into the majors you wanted. Classes were hard as well as paying for college but it had become the normal routine for you, but there wasn't a single day you didn't think of him. Or unknowingly call his name in the depths of your heart. A name for someone who could never be a part of your life, who only existed in your dreams. A man who was...

Just a Dream.


Just a Dream (hawksxreader)Where stories live. Discover now