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Things seemed to pass excruciatingly slow as he sat in the meeting room watching as everyone went through the whole plan. It made him irritated every time they had to repeat or re- explain something to someone. He wanted to hurry, he would have done this save and rescue alone had he not had so many things at risk. The plan was easy to attack the league of villian, while chisaki would assume they'd be to busy there, in reality the real force would hit him. Hawks knew the league of villains wouldn't be caught, but it didn't matter. Since he already knew where you were at. He glanced around the room at all the pro heroes who'd be partaking in the fight. Hed never asked for help, he had been trained to fight his own battles, but for you He was willingly to use all the help he needed.

Each ticking second that passed by was another second away from you. He couldn't bare to think of what you could be enduring.

Stay strong he called out as he closed his eyes, imagining your face. I'll be there soon baby bird.

He now found himself perched atop a nearby building, watching as everyone else below stood infront of the Hassakai place. He glanced around seeing the men around. Then it started heroes met with the villains as the fought. Everything went as planmed the police stepped forward taking on smaller thugs, while the pro heroes ran inside. He jumped as he did he let his feathers fly around grabbing at the thugs, when he was close to the ground. He called them back and flew in after the group. He watched as Tokoyami stayed behind, just as planned. As he followed Nighteye and the group through the labyrinths of hallways, he kept an eye out for anyone.

"Here",Nighteye spoke as he revealed a secret passage.

Just then trouble came in, one of the pros stepped forward taking them on. Hawks was already going through the passage. There wasn't a way in hell he was letting time slip by. He watched and fought the incoming villains. When suddenly the walls began moving. Eveythijg was chaotic, he began flying only to be knocking down by the bending ceiling.

"Mr hawks!",Midoriya called as he helped him up,"Are You okay?!"

"Just a bump kid",Hawks grimaced as he stood.

"The passage are closed! Leave it to me!",Kirshima yelled as he broke through it, letting everyone else through

Unfortunately things weren't so easy, as the hall ways changed. Turning and changing directions. They had been warned ahead. Hawks clicked his tongue in annoyance as he alonside the others stood stuck in the block of moving walls.

"I'll go ahead!",Mirio spoke as he began crossing through the wall

"Wait!",Hawks yelled as Mirio turned,"Tell (y/n)! I'm coming for her!"

Mirio nodded and he was gone. All hawks could do now was fight his way through and hope his message reached you.

Meanwhile, you'd been in the middle of brushing Eris hair when alarms went off. You were quick to pick up eri, holding her close. The door snapped open and a man walked in in all white.

"Lets go", he snapped as you followed behind him, eri in your arms

"Will we be okay?",she asked softly her eyes wide with fear.

"Yeah of course",you whispered,"Haw-I mean chisaki will protect us."

This didn't sit well with her as she frowned. Her eyes holding remorse. Eri didn't understand, she had seen hope in you, but now she only saw another puppet.

As told chisaki appeared and began leading the way. As you walked other men ran past, towards the chaos. Chisaki didn't acknowledge them nor did he seem to care

"I could go fight",you spoke quickly


"But I-"

Just a Dream (hawksxreader)Where stories live. Discover now