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He kept his word, as you found yourself in a small complex apartment where he had reassured you, you were more than welcomed to stay.

"I say kid, isn't it weird these are the only belongings you have?",he questioned as he stared at the plastic bag in your grip

"Well they are the only things that were with me during the accident",you replied as you pulled out a simple ink pen, and a small pocket sized sketch book which was weirdly torn and the pages seemed to be wrinkled from water.

"Either way, feel free to relax here. I'm barely home so don't worry about bothering me, alright kid?"

"Thank you..",you mumbled as you walked deeper into the living room glancing around

"Hey...",he called out,"Where..do you know the name Keigo from?"

You flinched at the name unsure why, you fumbled with the hem of your shirt.

"I can't remember..",you replied

There's a moment of silence in the room,"Right..",he sighed as he began walking towards the door,"I have some stuff to do, I'll be back later to check up on you. Don't leave the place, it's not a safe world out there kid."

"Right",you watched until the last red feather of his disappeared and the sound of the door clicking close was heard.

You glanced around the now empty and silent apartment. You wandered around checking the rooms, you found an empty room the only things inside being a bed and a closet. You assumed this must be your room and so you proceeded to put your things on the floor next to the bed. You let yourself venture into the kitchen, where you found a food and pots but what you noticed right away was the insane amount of microwave food

Does he not cook for himself? You wondered, as you realized most of the pots and pans he owned seemed to look extremely clean and new.

"I owe him this much...",you mumbled as you rolled up your sleeves and began working.

In reality you hated cooking, your mother had always made it seem as a chore than a necessity. Always mentioning how a women should cook for her husband, that type of thinking started the hate relationship between you and the kitchen. But for the man who'd saved your life and given you a place to stay, deserved at least a thank you meal. You weren't sure how much time had gone by as you were putting food away in containers you found.

"This should be better than all the to go food he has",you talked to yourself as you began cleaning at the mess you'd made.

(Y/n)! Please- A voice suddenly yelled in your head making you wince in pain. The voice kept yelling the name. It was a male voice.

Whose (y/n) you couldnt help wonder, but trying to think deeper into the meaning of the unknown name caused for a migraine to spread through your head. Causing you to drop the soap covered pan onto the floor letting it bounce a couple of times before settling down completely.

"Shit...",you cursed as you held your head which felt as if it was splitting in half

Suddenly an image a blurred image of a lake began to form, and the outline of what appeared to be of a small girl formed in your head but it was covered in fog. A few tears began pouring from your eyes as you tried to recall it. The front door could be heard opening.

"Hey kiddo!"hawks called out, he walked inside holding plastic bags, and immediately froze

Seeing your hunch over figure on the floor, he was quick to rush over, and send his feathers all over the apartment as he Immedtaiely assumed someone broke in.

"Kid what's wrong?",he asked as he raised your chin for a better view of your face.

"Keigo..",you whispered out your comfort word and blinked a few times as you turned your gazes from the floor to him,"I-I can't remember..",a sob erupted from your chest,"Why can't I remember?"

He let out a sigh as he rubbed your back gently in an effort to comfort you.

"There there, memory loss isn't easy kid, but you got this",he scratched the back of his head and smiled,"Hey kid how about we go out tomorrow. Maybe something will trigger your memory."

You pondered on it as you wiped your tears away and nodded but suddenly gripped his brown leather jacket.

"Hawks...what's my name?"

He remained silent,"I don't know kid."


"I'm sorry",he whispered softly

"Hawks...what's Your name?"

He stiffened momentarily and whispered,"I don't have a name."

You both remained silent and a soft chuckle burst from you,"I guess we both don't have names."

"Guess so kid",he chuckled

"Hawks, what can I call you besides hawks?"

"Hmm I don't know, but don't fret over it",he got up and began rummaging through the plastic bag he had,"Here I got some stuff with the help of an old pal."

You stood up but your mind was else where as you stared at him in concentration, your gaze shifted to his wings and a smile crept on your lips.


"What?",he asked blankly as he stared at you

"I'll call you keigo",you smiled softly

He stayed quiet and you began thinking he didn't like it, until a chuckle filled the room and he smiled.

"Not bad kid, so I guess I should name you."

"I'm not a kid I'm..I can't remember",you mumbled

"Don't fret you'll remember, for now let's call you Ren."

"Ren..",you echoed, you smiled,"I'm ren."

He began showing you things he bought for you, along with an additional bag.


"What's in it?",you asked as you peaked inside

"Clothes...I had a one of the female pro heroes buy them, since I'm not the best for shopping for women stuff",he mumbled as he turned but his ears were visibly pink.

"Thank you",you turned to go put the bag in the room you were staying in.

"Ren!",He called from the kitchen,"What's with the food?"

You smiled as you went back to the kitchen.

Just a Dream (hawksxreader)Where stories live. Discover now