Once home hawks was sure to pay the driver extra considering he left the seat wet from his dripping clothes. Once inside the apartment, you helped by grabbing a soft towel and began drying his feathers.

"You should shower",you suggested as you handed him another towel for his hair

"It's alright kid",he chuckled,"go change, I bet your a bit soaked too."

"I should",you mumbled,"fine but you better shower next",with that you turned and headed to your room.

You searched through the bag if clothes and found a nice pear of balck sweats and a t-shirt. You found what seemed to be a small box at the bottom of the bag under the clothes attached on the lid was a sticky note.

I chose some for you-Midnight

The name sounded oddly familair for someome you didn't know, opening the box you were faced with socks, and underwear. Your face turned a light shade of pink. You were quick to grab a pair and head to the bathroom attached to your room. Turning on the faucet once inside the shower, the warmth water trickled down your back and chest.

Today was fun...I can't remember when I had this much fun. Your chest began to ache, an agonizingly strong sensation. It almost felt like as if a strong sense of electrification coursed through you. It stopped as soon as it came.

"She's fine now, her hearts stable",a male voice seemed to echo in the bathroom.

"Ugghhh! My baby!",a feminine voice sobbed out, the cries seemed to swallow the room causing for tears to swell in your eyes

Where are the voices coming from? You wondered as you glanced around, you knew they weren't in the apartment as hawks hadn't spoken or informed you if anybody possibly coming or visiting the place.

You were quick to rinse off and change, wanting to ask hawks about the voices. Outside you couldn't find him, you had knocked on his room door only to get no response. A single note was left by the kitchen counter.

Sorry agency called-hawks

You sighed, and went to the giant window displayed in the living room, opening the curtains. You watched as the rain hit the glass as the droplets slid down the door slowly. You stared out, at the darkened sky. Many things had seemed familiar, names and voices. Yet nothing came to mind. You were just a doll with no story or background, then hawks came to mind. He also didn't have a story or background, but he was always smiling. Even when he felt invaded or when he took you in, he hadn't stopped smiling.

You took went and reached into your pocket for the small sketch book, it was in bad condition but still wrapped together. You were glancing at the pages some had scribbles but the water had smeared whatever was on them, then it dawned on you.

He said I was found passed out on the street but then why were my things wet? Your mind wheels turned rapidly trying to make sense. Unless he...lied-No he would never.

How are you sure? A voice asked

You gasped as you turned around rapidly,"Whose there?!", you yelled into the silent apartment

You're just a nobody, a person who gained his pity you really think he'll be honest to you? It sneared

You tried finding a response but you knew the voice was right. Who knew how many people-girls hawks has helped before. He probably has saved multiple pretty, gorgeous girls. Like today, girls were throwing themselves at him and not once did he push them away.

No he has an image to uphold, he has to be nice you convinced yourself, trying to protect your own heart.

The voice didn't speak up, as you continued to flip through the pages, you came to a stop as you reached the end or what was suppose to be the end. This sketch book didn't have rings, so the obvious missing pages could be seen at the places they had been yanked out from were missing. You frowned you knew you hadn't pulled out anything, but the possibility of them falling out due to whatever got them wet was a possibility.

The sudden loud bang of thunder in the sky, caused for your heart to freeze. You'd never been one to scare with thunder, that you could recall. But the sudden image of Hawks possibly flying through a storm like this made you anxious. He had mentioned doing it before, so there was a possibility he was doing it now. For now you could only wait and pray he made it home safe.

Not sure how much time had passed as you waited, sitting next to the glass window, as the rain kept coming down. Eventually your eyelids felt to heavy to keep open as you fell into a deep slumber.

When your eyes opened it was hazy, as you scanned the room You realized you were in a hospital room.

Wait...wasn't I with...You were startled when the sound of a pen hitting the floor made you look towards the door.

A nurse stood there, with a shocked expression. She was quick to walk over, you could faintly see her mouth moving but everything she said didn't reach you.

What? I...can't hear you...I need to go back..he's coming home...wait whose he?...your eyelids began to droop down, as they did you could see figures behind the nurse as you fell back into a deep slumber.

A soft feathery feel on your face, made your eyes open to be greeted by the sight of a red feather casually flying around you. You rubbed your eyes and sat up slowly.

"Morning kid",the familiar voice greeted you

"Ah your back...",you mumbled as you stood up stretching, he was standing behind the small kitchen counter pouring a cup of coffee.

"Yeah just flew in",he chuckled as he handed you a cup

"Did you fly in storm?",you asked slowly as you stared at the warm brown liquid inside your cup.

"...yeah", he replied,"It was thrilling",he chuckled,"its been awhile..."

"Awhile?",you echoed in curiosity

"Its a bad habit of mine but due to my past, where I come from and where I was raised,...it's made me numb",he spoke softly as he seemed to recall distant memories, memories he seems to have locked away deep inside,"storms are my thrill...the feeling of the strong currents of wind, as I fly up higher and higher into the heavens..".he reached out his hand as a way to express his words,"but eventually I have to fall and falling is a thrill and dangerous...You want to know why I do it, kid? Because it's the one time I feel something.."

"Don't",you choked out, hearing the pain in his voice and the way he spoke of being in possible death experiences as thrilling, made something in your hurt for the many infront of you

"..kid?",he frowned as he reached his hand towards you

"Don't talk like that, about falling. You have wings for a reason, they pick you up",You muttered,"you picked me up, so why do you speak...as if you're nothing?"

"Because I am nothing",he replied his tone lacking emotions,"I was raised for a specific reason, for a job, there isn't a thing tying me unlike others...they have families, friends...they have people."

You hands trembled as you contained your emotions, you looked at him Taking him in properly. You realized you knew little of the man infront of you, what he liked, disliked, and what made him...him.

"Then take me."

"What?",he looked up confused, but a laugh soon erupted from him,"Come on kid, relax."

"No, I'll be the thing that ties you down, I'll be a person who can turn you a nothing into something",you replied firmly,"So please let me."

He stared silently, a small smile taking over his face,"I'll be in your care...ren."

Just a Dream (hawksxreader)Where stories live. Discover now