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After the attack, hawks had e everyone in his agency memorize your face and name. For your safety, you were allowed to wander in and out, going back to the apartment you could also do but if you didn't atleast update hawks on your safety he'd have a whole squad of police officers go check if he was to far to go himself.  As each day progressed, your memories became clearer and clearer. How the incident happened, your maternal relationship.

Those images the random visions of a hospital room weren't fake, you'd somehow traveled back to your real body If my body was in the hospital...then that means I'm either dying or in a sleep state.

You'd spent the day at the apartment every hour texting hawks. Thanks to how often you would theorize about anime characters, you were now able to fully understand and analyze your situation.

"This is like a simulation when the barrier begins fixing everything goes back to how it was",you spoke out loud, as you fiddled your pencil,"so to say I broke this barrier, and the reason I keep zoning back to my real body but not fully is because the barrier isn't fully fixed and once it gets fixed I'll...",you trailed off and tried not to think about what it could mean to you or him.

You looked down at the now recovered pages hawks had given you back. Sketches of him, each one so similar to him but lacking the life the real one had. You traced a finger along your drawing not being to help but hope your theory was wrong, and you'd actually found a way to teleport. That the hospital was just an illusion to keep you sane.

The sudden tickling sensation on your leg made you jump as you glanced around. You laughed at yourself.

It could've been the rug brushing my leg you told yourself but the sensation returned.

Frowning, you slowly rolled up your pants, and gasped. Your leg; where skin was suppose to be was now see through. As if you were a ghost, you could still feel it but the toes were gone. You could see as a visibly small white line seemed to be slowly but surely leading this transparent thing up your leg.

"I'm disappearing...",you whispered as your body went limp against the couch,"No that cant be it",you tried telling yourself as you looked around for explanations,"please I-I can't leave! I told him I would be here, I would give his name meaning",your body trembled.

The idea of losing the one person who validates and accepts you for you was The worst pain imaginable. So many thoughts rushed through your head, until you came to accept it.

"If...I'm going to disappear I should atleast make it memorable",you mumbled softly as you rolled your pants back down and hide the sad truth that was slowly eating you away.

That night when hawks returned home. He was surprised to find you awake as usually you'd pass out by the time he arrived.

"What's this? Missed me that much?".he teased as he held you wrapping you in his wings

"I have a favor",you muttered leaning your head on his chest, matching your breathing to the pace of his heart

"What is it my songbird?",he asked softly as he caressed your hair

"Take me out flying, I heard there will be a clear sky tonight",you smiled at him.

He looked startled as you normally never asked for him to take you flying but he was quick to grin, and plant a soft kiss on your forehead.

"Anything for you",He grinned

You both walked to the top of roof. Looking out towards the city which were illuminated by the street lights and bright moon that shined above the world. He had your backs towards him, his arms secured around your waist.

"You sure about this?",he asked wanting to confirm it one more time

"Yes I'm sure",you replied firmly

He chuckled and whispered into your ear softly,"Do you trust me?"

You smiled as a silent tear slid down your cheek, closing your eyes you extended your arms out to the sides.

"I do."

With that you were falling, both entangled in each others hold as the world flew past. But it came to a stop as he slowly spreaded his wings gaining air, as you were both pushed upward high into the sky.

"Look",he pointed towards the city that shone like a stary sky on land

You stared in absolute awe, the feeling of his arms securing you, being so high no body else existed, was the cause of your euphoria. He kept flying until eventually landing on a tall building, he was careful when letting go of you. You turned to him as He landed, and turned back to the city.

"(Y/n) what's wrong?",he asked as he embraced you from behind, leaning his head on your shoulders,"You're not smiling."

"Keigo...I'm afraid",you admitted as you kept your gaze on the world, a beautiful and magical world but a world you weren't supposed to be in.

"Of what?",he glanced at you taking in your saddened face, it hurt to see you in pain

"Us. I'm happy, but when I get happy something bad always happens. What if you get hurt?",you turned to him panick and anxiety evident in your voice,"What if-",he cut you off

"(Y/n), breath, I'm here. You're allowed to feel happy. Things may happen in the future but there won't be anything strong enough from keeping me from your side",he claimed as he held your hands, he slowly brought them up to his face giving them a gentle kiss,"Why would fate let us meet if not to be together?"

Your heart ached, but you smiled. The same way he had smiled through the lies for you. It was your turn, but this time lying was necessary.

"Thank you, for everything",you whispered softly as you both looked down at the city.

He stood alongside you a protective wing hovering behind you, you both enjoyed the peace and tranquillity of being so far from everything.

"Before I met you, I loved the fly high into the sky, so high where I was sure no one could see me",hawks spoke as he reached a hand out towards the stars, a saddened expression taking over,"Then I'd stop, I'd let my wings go limp and fall."

Your eyes widened,"Why?"you couldn't help asking

"(Y/n) growing up the way I did I became numb to many things, I didn't care about others or myself. I was just a toy but falling from the sky feelikg the wind, it made my heart pound. It made me feel something",his outstretched hand fell limply to his side,"But now I have you, and now I know life isn't as bad as it seems."

He have you his charming smile, as he went back to gazing at the stars. You could only stare.

Don't say that. Please. Because I'll be the one whose going to hurt you the...most. Your thoughts were a mess, and they continued to be a mess even when you both went back and to sleep.

You stayed up turning and tossing unable to sleep, without the feeling of your leg reminding you.

You're almost out of time.

Just a Dream (hawksxreader)Where stories live. Discover now