You both walked around a more quiet area in silence. He was the first to speak up as he cleared his throat averting his gaze.

"So..why that price?",he asked curiously

"Hmm...well its for my favorite pro hero of course",you replied nonchantly as you kept walking

"Tch, that's just a title",he chuckled,"they exaggerate."

"They don't, you saved me."

"Its my job."

"Yeah but taking care of me, and walking around a festival isn't",you pointed out as he averted his gaze

"Whatever, I felt bad for you birdy",he joked

"I-",you began but a loud squeal caused you both to stop and turn around

Their stood two girls who were notably squealing over haven found hawks. As they were quick to approach.

"Hi, I'm a huge fan can I can an autograph?",a blonde spoke rapidly as she handed him what seemed to be a notebook

"Yeah no worries",he replied as he signed it and handed it back.

"Can we take a picture?",the brunette next to the blonde asked nervously as she held out her phone.

"Sure",he was quick to stand behind her,"cheese",he grinned and the cameras flash set off

"Thank you, you're our favorite pro hero",the blonde gushed

Meanwhile you stood by the sides awkwardly, not wanting to ruin the moment for the two girls.

"Oh your feathers are soft",the brunette complimented him.

"Thanks",he replied but you glanced up as you were able to notice the slight change in his tone

"They are!",the blonde smiled as she joined her friend in fondly hawks wings

He was visibly feeling uncomfortable by the way his body shifted, and his feathers seem to ruffle on their own. But he wasn't saying anything just putting on a smile, and acting like it was ok. This made you angry as youw watched the two girls who were to over their heads as they harassed him.

"Alright girls that's enough",he cut in as he took a step away trying to appear nonchalant

"Aw please, we've been your fans since forever",one of them whined in an attempt to make him change his mind

"He said stop, are you guys so dimwitted you can't take no for an answer?",you snapped at them

They turned their glares on you, obvious anger in them as they rolled their eyes. You had your arms folded across your chest it might have seemed to be more intimidating but in reality you were trying to keep your facade up. Little did these girls know how much you were trembling and hoping this wouldn't escalate but their was a small chance that would happen.

"You-",the blonde began only to be stopped by the brunette

"You're right, we're sorry we shouldn't have crossed your boundaries like that",she lowered her head towards hawks as part of her apology, the blonde however was not happy

It was obvious by the way her body trembled in anger. She went to say something only to hushed by the brunette and be pulled away briskly. You let yourself relax as you felt the heavy weight you'd felt on your shoudlers earlier finally loosen. Hawks suddenly burst out laughing causing you to quickly look in his direction.

"What's so funny?",you asked as you face flushed in embarrassment

"Nothing, but thanks songbird",he chuckled as he placed his hands on his hips,"But we learned one thing today."

"And what's that?",your asked while averting your gaze

"You're not much of a confrontational person",he grinned as he walked over and ruffled your hair,"Now come on, let's keep walking around."

"Whatever",you mumbled but the sudden drop of water on your face made you flinched,"What?",you glanced up and could see as the sky began was soon covered in grey rain clouds and quickly raindrops began falling

"Well seems our trip is cut short",hawks grumbled as he looked up at the falling rain

"Seems so",you mumbled as you glanced around watching as the rides were turned off and booths began packing up,"are we going to fly?"

"No, I've done it before but it's dangerous."

"It should be fine",you replied trying to reassure him

"No,before yeah I wouldn't mind but I can't have you going around getting hurt birdy",he explained,"ah that's right, can't have you catching a cold kid",with that he extended his wing which soon covered you from the now rapidly, heavy, falling rain.

"Wait you're getting soaked",you pointed out

"True, but if we hurry home we won't have to worry about it",he chuckled as he grabbed your hand and began jogging away pulling you after him,"let's go!"

You followed behind him but couldnt help smile at him even if he couldn't see it. You both jogged until you reached the main city where you both stood under a building roof. You were dry except for your shoes, but hawks however was soaked from head to toe. His brown jacket had turned dark brown from observing the water and his hair was messy and wet. Some strands stuck to his chin from the water. You felt bad, you eere afraid he'd catch a cold or a high fever at this rate. You suddenly noticed a store across the street

"Hey why don't we buy an umbrella?",you suggested Pointing towards the door

"What for?",he asked oblivious

"For you of course",you sighed, as you massaged your head

"I'm fine kid, a little water is nothing compared to my pa-line of work",he was quick to correct his words

Suddenly a flash went through your mind.

You were sitting on a bed, in a room littered with posters and books. You were reading a book no...a manga. A picture of Hawks was visible and you were crying....what for...? That's right the manga contained a sad moment for him, so you cried for him. You cried because...

Suddenly a heavy migraine set un causing you to holding your head tightly trying to endure the pain.

"Hey kiddo you alright?",hawks asked as you pulled you closer wrapping in his wing in an attempt to help, he looked up towards the street and grinned,"Hey! Taxi!"

"What was the reason??",you wondered in your head but each time you tried remembering another migraine followed.

"Hey kiddo, let's go",hawks voice made you snap back as you looked up to see hawks opening a taxi door for you, a wing hovering over the space between the door and you making the rain falls on the sides.

You walked over and got in,"Thanks",he followed in and closed the door

"To Musutafu",hawks told the driver as the driver began to move the car

"I'm a huge fan Sir Hawks",the driver spoke as he glanced in the back view mirror,"oh would the young lady like some warm air?"

"Yes that'd be nice",hawks replied as he leaned back against the seat

The driver while keeping his eyes on the road was quick to turn the heater on. The drive was silent except for the occasional question or comment from the driver to hawks.

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