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Hawks had spent the whole time monitoring the streets, meeting with other pros to figure out your location. He'd sent Tokoyami and anyone else he could from his agency to go. He knew of one place where you could possibly be at but he couldn't go there without it being suspicious not to mention the risk of going alone to a lair of villains.

"Songbird",he sighed as he sat in his office chair staring at the various reports that had been turned in

The door to his office opened,"Y-You called for us Sir?"

Hawks glanced up and smiled,"Ah just in time, you guys will be helping me."

He'd asked other agencies to lend him their students for work studies.

"As you know, the league of villains has decided to attack someone important to me",hawks felt his wings tense up,"So I'll need your help."

"Yes Sir!",a blonde haired boy chimed in, he'd been talked about highly from Nighteye so hawks had some expectations for him

"Yeah they'll regret messing with us!" A red head grinned towards the hooded boy next to him

"How can you be so sure",the boy with his hooded cloak mumbled

Hawks couldnt help but wonder how things would turn out with them involved. He then glanced towards the final one. A green haired boy, he'd been brought in from Nighteye's agency but he stood silent deep in thought. Hawks had seen him in action back during the sports festival, the boy managed to pass through challenges without a quirk. It hadn't been until he had fought Endeavors son, was hawks able to see the strength of the boy but it made him curious as to who the power he held reminded him off. He looked more experienced now but it didn't matter. Hawks needed as much help as he could get.

"Alright then, you guys will be separated and will patrol areas I believe to be the areas they're at. I've asked of your bosses to help me as well so they'll keep you guys updated but for today you'll walk around and check out the area. However don't interact, as much as it's a pain you're all still students",he suggest raffling his hair,"So stand down, its an order."

"Yes Sir!",they all yelled

"Alright go, the handouts you were given have the areas arranged for you, be safe kids."

"Lets go Midoriya",Mirio turned and began towards the door, the others following behind

Until the door fully closed behind them did hawks let himself slump down on his chair

"Songbird...where are you, please give me a hint."

You stayed chained to the chair. Watching as they all talked and looked relaxed almost as if your existence had been wiped from their minds. This was a good opportunity.

I keep focusing on fighting quirks but there has to be a quirk that can help me. Think (y/n)! Think! You bit down on your lip to keep you focused, your mind was rolling throughout the whole anime. Use Bakugous experience...yeah. What happened during his time here.

Once again you found yourself looking through you memory like a detective looking through files. Then you remembered, just before he was kidnapped they had a way to to tell everyone without necessarily having to screem.

Ah!..the pussycats quirk! You casted a nervous glance there way, you knew using this quirk You were able to speak through minds, you could cancel out the minds you didn't want your message to reach. But it scared you, it almost felt like you were actually yelling.

Here we go...1...2...3...HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP! You had to forcibly bit down on your lips to let any noise make them turn please!...hawks!..Keigo!...help me!..

Silence followed, and you couldn't help but slump down on your chair. The sudden heavy atmosphere made you look up. They had all turned and were now staring right at you. Your body froze all over fear settled on you, but you realized they weren't looking at you but at the door.

"Come in",Shigarakis raspy vocie called out as the door swung open

"Hey there",Chisaki walked in his eyes wandering around settling on you, his minions right behind him

"I dont like this guy",twice chirped

"Yeah, what's up with the beak?",Toga tilted her head her smile not leaving her face

"If I were you I'd the girl over quickly she's a smart one but not smart enough",he spoke as his eyes pierce into your soul,"She was sending a message for help just seconds ago."

"N-No I wasnt!",you quickly yelled as you leapt forward being held back by the restraints

"Calm down or I'll make you",Shigaraki warned as he stood up to be stopped by chisaki

"No shes mine now so it's only natural I show her where the line stands",he explained as he began towards you

"No! Stay away from me!",you screamed as you pulled at the chains and shackled, suddenly a burst of ice shot out of your shackled hands breaking them off but not the chains

You felt hopeful but only to feel a hand rest on your throat making your whole body tense up. As your eyes shakingly looked toward the owner of the hand to be greeted by the familiar beak mask.

"Nice stunt but I'll stop all those games unless you want me to reset you",he spoke lowly as his fingers caressed your throat,"You wouldn't want that now would you."

Only a soft sob could be heard from you, as you closed your eyes and bit down on your lips.

"Answer me",he snapped adding pressure to your throat cutting off your oxygen.

"I-I'm sorry...hawks",you whispered as you kicked his chest sending hims stumbling back as you took the liberty to disintegrate the chains with your free hands

"Get here!",Shigaraki yelled, as the other leapt up all circling you

"Stop now you're outnumbered!",Twice yelled

"I wouldn't mind stabbing you",Toga giggled

You stared around the room from one person to the other. As you slowly moved back, until your back was pressed against something-the door. Your handle rested against the door knob.

"Move and you won't have a quirk left",Chisaki warned,"Or you wouldn't want others to get hurt because of you right? Like a little girl?"

You froze, and anger took over as you glared him down.

He's really using Eri as leverage right now...that bastard, but if I don't listen eri will...she will...dammit he had you stuck, you could run out that door using Iidas quirk but that would mean Eri would...

Shakingly you moved your hand away from the door, from your chance of seeing the outside world.

"Good girl."

Just a Dream (hawksxreader)Where stories live. Discover now