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Hello lovely doves!

The following morning, they had you change into the same white dress eri had on. They had you dispose of the wings, you cried and bit at them, when they held you down. Chisaki threatened to break the wings down, unless done voluntarily....That broke you, when they were gone a shred of hope slowly escaped you. They lead you down corridors, you had tried to memorize them but came to realize they took extra turns in hopes of confusing you. And it worked.

"Hurry",Chisaki snapped as he roughly pulled you into a room, yanking the blind fold off.

Your stomache dropped. There was a chair, it resembled a dentist chair except for all the tubes and sharp objects surrounding it. It seemd it also had straps attached. Next to the chair stood a machine, bumping what could be clearly seen as blood, the pump lead to amother machine that seemed to store it into small bullets. You felt yourself aching to throw up when it hit you all of this was eris blood.

"Sit",a masked man spoke as he entered closing the door behind him

You couldn't move, all senses screaming for you to turn and run. But where? They'd catch you, and Chisaki would...Tears began pouring down your face, as you took a shaking step forward. Until you reached the chair, you stiffly sat down, unable to stop crying.

"Get everything ready",Chisaki spoke ignoring your sobs as he turned to you, his eyes pouring into your soul,"You know what to do, so get at it."

You nodded, as you clenched your eyes shut. Immense pain followed, as needles pierced your arms, drawing blood. Chisakis smug smirk, had you cursing him. You had expected it to feel like a shot but this was worse. The unbearable pain was driving you crazy. Not only did you have needles in your arms but your legs. The straps held you in place from moving away.

Chisaki turned a sharp object in hand, you didn't know what it was for until a piercing scream escaped your lips and only darkness was seen.

When you finally came around, a dull pain could be felt all over. Your ears couldn't register any sounds except for the beaping of the machine. You opened your eyes slightly to inspect the damage done to yourself. Your arms resembled eris all patched up, but that didn't dull the pain coursing through you. You opened your mouth but nothing came out. You were thirsty wondering how long had you been out? You glanced around slowly, Your eyes widened as You saw the giant container of anti quirk bullets, but scribble on the side it read


You relaxed momentarily. As you realized you were alone. You sprung up but stopped. The momentary bravado disappearing as soon as it came. You'd break out of the straps and run but then what? Where would you go? You glanced at the straps and pulled against them, but They only digged into your already damaged arms. You cried out in oain, it echoed in the room but you didn't stop as you kept pulling.

"You know that won't work",a voice spoke softly.

You looked around, the door hadn't opened when your gaze finally fell on the figure, you gasped.

"Hawks..",you croaked out, tears swelling in your eyes

"(Y/n)...",he tenderly called out as he stepped forward, only mere inches from you

"Hawks...! Hawks!",you cried out as You crumpled in the seat,"Please! Get me out of here!"

"I'm sorry baby bird",Hawks spoke, you shook your head valiantly as his image began to fade away,"But Ive got better things to do...."

"Aaahhh!!",you screamed in agony, as he disappeared letting the raw hurtful truth sink in. You were alone.

Unaware of the masked man behind the door who smugly called his illusions back into him. Knowing his part had been sealed. He walked away from the damage he'd created. Chisaki returned untying you.

"Let's go",He called as he began walking

"How do you know I won't try to run?", you asked dully

He only smirked as he turned his head towards you,"People tend to hide who they are...until they've shattered. Then the real monsters come out, so tell me, why aren't you running?"

"I...am alone."

"You're not, you've got Eri and me. You want to stay here. You are happy here",he spoke his words echoing.

Yeah..do I want to stay here? Yes. But I have someone...They're gone! No he'll come back!...wait who? What was his name?

You fell to your knees as you trembled. Who was he? The man that popped into your head. Who was he?! Why was he so important!

"(Y/n)",Chisaki spoke as held your chin up,"I'm here."

Tears fell, as you numbly took his words in. Drowning in the pain. You reached out to him, placing a hand on his face.

"Chisaki...",you gasped out silently crying,"...are you him?"

He only smiled as he spoke,"I am."

He had done it. The vacant look in your eyes told him so, as you stared desperately into his. How easy you had been, you were human after all. You were so desperate for a hand to cling onto. Someone to validate you. Breaking you down into your most vulnerable state had been easier than he thought. All he had to do know was to conserve the image of savior in your eyes until he could dispose of you. Until then all he had to do was smile, and play along to the game he had created. He knew the pro heroes were onto him, but he was fast. It was all a matter of who was a step ahead in this. As he glanced once more at you as he lead the way. He knew you'd be the most important piece, the one to either bring him power or the one to take him down. So far as he held Eri in his grasp he knew you wouldn't turn.

"Its just a matter of time...",he whispered as a smirked under his mask.

Leaving you unaware of his dark intentions.

Hawks POV

He wasn't ashamed to say he had turned to the darkest corners to find you. Before he knew it he stood infront of the league of villains. Each one standing before him. He had earlier received a message to meet up. He knew it was wrong to consider it but yet he was already there.

"So you want to know where she is..",Shigaraki spoke firsts as he leaned forward,"But what's in it for us?"

Hawks clicked his tongue, he knew they'd ask for something. Things in life are never free.

"Information on the heroes",he replied

"How do we know this information is valid?",Dabi spoke up his blue eyes piercing into his own

"You can check but I want-",

"You don't get to make demands, give us half the information now and we'll give you the address and everything",Shigaraki explained

"How do I know you won't lie?",Hawks snapped trying to keep his temper in control

"We're not like you. A corrupted system based on lies and money. We hold our word but can you?",hawks body trembled in anger, he knew they were messing with him.

"Fine, here",pulling out a envelope he handed it over

"Toga",Shigaraki called as he did a door open and to his disbelief you walked in.

"(Y/n)..",Hawks called out but stopped, your eyes weren't you.

"What's wrong?",you spoke in confusion

"You look like her but you're somebody else",he growled out as the truth settled in,"You must be toga."

A giggle followed his words as you began to melt, and a girl with twin buns greeted him.

"Here bird boy",she tossed him what seemed to be papers.

He glared before peering at them, everything he needed to be proof enough to go was there. He finally had everything ready.

Wait for me I'm coming.

Just a Dream (hawksxreader)Where stories live. Discover now