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He stopped coming to the appartment all together, only receiving money and items by a delivery man. You had returned the feather by handing it to the delivery man, the man seemed confused but realized everything and simply left. You didn't know how he was, where or with who he was. All you knew was he kept his word. He would continuously send letters of maps or possible solutions to where you came from. You never replied to them, you'd only stared and pass the time.

You'd began spending time with Inko, as you'd run into her once again. She never turned you away, she was patient as she listened. Giving you advice and warming tea for you

"Here dear",she handed you a warm cup

"Thank you",you replied softly taking a small sip of it

"Ive got to say-",you were suddenly interrupted by the door opening

"Mom I'm home!", a boy with messy green hair stepped in

"Ah Izuku welcome home",inko smiled, the warm smile she gave her son was a lovely sight

"O-Oh sorry I didn't know you had guests."

"(Y/n) meet my son Izuku", she introduced the nervous looking boy

"Hi Izuku I'm (y/n)",you introduced yourself

"I-I'm Izuku a pleasure",he nervously stuttered,"I-If you'll excuse me I have training!",he yelped as he practically ran out the door

"I'm sorry he's just shy",Inko sighed

"Its alright",you chuckled

"I wonder if he's meeting with his friend",inko wondered as she giggled,"they have the cutest nicknames for each other Kacchan and Deku"

You smiled,"Kacchan....and deku", it left a familiar ringing in your head but you couldn't put your finger on it just yet.

"Oh sorry its getting late I should go, Thank you",you stood up and shook her hand as you began walking home

It was late into the cold months, you kept rubbing your hands as a form to keep them warm. It wasn't until you were a good distance away from the Midorya household when the sudden feeling of being watched made you uneasy. You glanced around but couldn't make out anything in the darkness. You picked up the pace as you walked further ahead trying to distract your mind from the chilling sensation. You stopped in your tracks when the silhouette of a person was visible up ahead, you slowly turned only to feel your heart drop as another figure appeared. Both blocking the ends of the streets. You stood frozen as the figure that had appeared infront of you began moving towards you

Think! Think! You yelled at yourself, as you stared in a scared daze. Suddenly a boost of adreline filled your body and you were quick to run across the street, and in between houses. Fear filled you as audible footsteps were heard behind you, slowly getting closer.

You sped up, turning a sharp corner into a narrow path way, it was longer to the apartment but it could give you time. Your breathing way getting heavier slowly.

A sudden explosion of blue flames caused you to fall and roll on the floor, you looked up to find a guy with burnt marking on his face, standing on top of a building a smirk on his face as he jumped down.

"Well well",he cocked his head to the side as he eyed you

"Ah good job! Oh she's kinda cute!",a girls voice chimed in as a blonde girl with twin buns appeared behind him .

"Hmm you sure shes the one?", a man with a a white mask asked as he folded his arms

You slowly sat up, holding your scrapped arm in fear and terror to what was happening.

"Shigaraki's informant said they'd seen her entering and leaving his place",the man replied as he had a small blue flame running on his hand,"Now, tell us kid",he slowly approached you

You were quick to shuffle back, you were fast in connecting dots. It was obvious they were after hawks but they went for you.

"What do you know about birdbrain?",he placed a hand on your chin gently but his eyes held no mercy,"speak I hate to repeat myself."

"I-I don't know anything!",you cried out as tears streamed down your face

He wiped a tear slowly, looking at his finger,"If you keep crying like this I won't have a choice but to make you unable to cry..you want That?"

"N-no",you gasped out as you tried hard in keeping the sobs in

"Good girl now tell me any information you know about"

"I-I know only a little and t-that is-",you swung at him, while backing away your; hand had stumbled on a piece of wood which you had swung at him

He dodged as he jumped back, an anmoyed expression on his face. The girl had an excited look about her, meanwhile the other masked man had was now facing you and seemed to be ready to leap in

"L-Leave me alone!",you yelled out at them, body trembling in fear

"Should we just take her?",the girls question made your blood run cold

"Sir you know what to do, it should be easy she is quirkless, come on toga",the man replied as he turned

"This will be easy",the man began approaching you hands outstretched

The name toga sounded to familair as did the blue flames, but the sudden memory that the man who was approaching shouldn't touch you filled your mind. Without hesitating you through the giant wood piece at him, as you ran.

"Dabi! Shes getting away!",the man cried out

"What?! How did a quirkless get away!",the man called Dabi snapped and turned and began following

Fear rose in you, as he was easily catching up.

No please! Someone help! Someone!....Haw-your thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a looming shadow over head.

"Hey kid, pretty late to be out playing isn't it?"

"Hawks...",you gasped out in relief, as he lowered himself landing infront of you. He wrapped his arms around you securing you in his hold, and you were fast to melt against him. Feeling the overwhelming sensation of trust and security.

"Well well hawks", a voice spoke up making you jump,"You're late."

"Dont pull my feathers kid, I just flew in",he chuckled as he casually covered you with his wing

"Funny",Dabi replied sarcastically

"We want the girl",toga piped in as she stood alongside Dabi

"Hmm the girl...?",hawks asked in disbelief even though he kept his face neutral his grip on you tightened

"Our resources tell us she has information in a litttle book about a lot of things", the white masked man spoke up

"I-I don't!",you yelled as you frantically looked around

"You do..",hawks whispered barely audible,"in your sketchbook but I kept those pages I didn't tell you then because I knew it'd be to much to handle but please trust me."

You stared dumbfounded, and in complete shock. But due to the circumstances you were quick to not dwell to into it, as right now wasn't the best of moments.

"Please...listen to what I have to say",hawks pleaded quietly

You nodded knowing he was the only way out.

"Ok..run!"he yelled as he shoved you back covering you with his wings, He could hear as the sound of your footsteps began growing distant,"alright then..whose up?"

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