Chapter 5: Song

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I had Gerard in one of my classes, Ray in two, and Frank in a whopping three. How strange.

I decided to text Ray, because I had my first class with him.

ME: can i follow you to class? i really dont know where to go

R: yeah, sure. where are you?

ME: ... i dont know

R: how far are you from our building?

ME: ...

R: can you get back to it so i can meet you there?

ME: i can try

R: ill find you, dont worry

ME: save me! also how the hell did you manage to navagate this place so easily already?

R: do you not have a map?

ME: FUCK i think gerard has it

R: haha okay, im here

ME: already?! where the hell am i?

R: i dont have a clue, hurry up or we're going to be late on our first day

ME: wait, i see you!

Ray looked up from his phone, and I was quickly at his side.

"There you are," he said, ruffling my hair. "Come on, Mikey. We have to go."

I followed Ray around to a huge building. He opened the door for me and I blushed. I nodded, because that was the best way I was able to thank him at the time. He smiled that perfect, toothy smile, and I found my cheeks turning even redder.

We walked in silence because, well, what else could we do? I couldn't walk and talk unless there was a completely clear path in front of me, and even then I stumbled a lot.

I felt someone grab my arm. I turned around to find Ray standing in front of a door. "This is it, Mikey," he said. My mouth opened in a silent "Oh." He smiled and gently tugged me into the classroom.

It was big. I'd seen pictures of these classrooms before, though, so it wasn't as big a deal as it was in the dorm.

I followed Ray to a seat. "Do you need to be close so you can see him talking?" Ray asked. I nodded. He led me to a seat a few rows up.

I was a little nervous, and not just because he was there. I'd heard things about college, and I didn't know if I was ready at all.



I sat down and pulled my knees up to my chest. I really just wanted to sleep. I had just finished all of my classwork, eaten, and contacted my parents, and I was beat.

I was alone in the dorm because all of my courses were finished first. I sighed and took off my glasses before laying my head down. I was pretty sure Frank was going to get back next, in like two hours.

I just wanted a little nap.


When I woke up, I was in bed. How the hell did that happen? I'd slept on the couch.

I sat up, rubbing my face, and started searching for my glasses. When I found them, I looked at the clock. It was after five.

I stood up and slumped out into the living area. Everyone was back. I sat down on the couch beside Ray, who didn't look twice at me. Of course he didn't, what was I expecting? Ray... Wait, what was his last name? Well, I wasn't going to ask. That would be really weird.

Frank was saying something, but I couldn't understand it. He had a really weird expression on his face, too. I looked at Ray, who was saying the same things and bobbing his head. My brother was saying them, too.

And then I realized.

They were singing.

There was music in the dorm.

And they were singing.

I wished I could hear them all. They were probably purposely doing it badly, but I wanted to hear them anyway.

I sighed, closing my eyes. I just really didn't want to be me sometimes.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

P: where are you? we are going to talk!

ME: you're aware that i cant, right?

P: whatever, im going to talk and you're going to write and sign the things i know because your brother never finished teaching me

ME: ugh, do i have to? hahaha

P: whatever! hey, today was your first day over there right?

ME: yeah, what about it?

P: because i want to hear all about it!
P: *read

ME: fuck off, you prick! hahaha

P: again, whatever! and i met someone in my dorm! hes pretty perfect, and you are going to love him!

ME: are you trying to set me up again? ive told you a million times, no one wants a deaf guy! plus, we're at different colleges, and how would that work?

P: i didn't say he was for you, did i, you thirsty fucker? hes ALL MINE!!!!!

ME: and im the thirsty one?

P: uh, yeah! thats how its always been! you can meet the other guys in my dorm, too, theyre pretty cool

ME: so im coming over there, i take it?

P: again, duh!

ME: just tell me where to go...

He gave me the name of his school, along with his location. I didn't know how I would find him, but I'd figure it out.

I might have said that I didn't have anyone other than Gerard, but that was a slight exaggeration.

I had one.

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