Chapter 21: Blocked

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We walked into the dorm, hand in hand.

"I love you."

I didn't need to hear the words to know how beautiful they were coming out of Ray's mouth.

I smiled just imagining it. His voice was probably absolutely incredible. I mean, he wasn't perfect, but I didn't care. I loved him anyway. I saw through his flaws. And he saw through mine.

And that was how I wanted it to stay.

I sat Ray down and sat down in his lap. I rested my head on his shoulder as he turned on the TV. Subtitles. I remembered him setting it up, just for me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his jaw gently. He didn't protest, which just made me want to tease him.

I moved my lips down to his neck. He shifted under me, putting his arms around me.

I sucked at his neck, holding him close to me. He wasn't getting away from me that easily.

Once I was satisfied with that spot, I moved my mouth over. I discreetly admired my handiwork as I tried to recreate it.

In a way, it was art.

Art was fun.

I pulled myself up, straddling Ray's thighs. I ran my tongue over his collarbone, then brushed my lips up to his.

His tongue had just slipped into my mouth when the bedroom door flew open. I looked up, squeezing Ray's shoulders gently.

Frank stormed out of the room, tailed by Gerard. "Please, Fr-" They stopped and stared at us.

I blushed and adjusted myself so that my crotch wasn't dangerously close to Ray's. "Um," Frank said, shifting awkwardly. "Are we interrupting something here, or...?"

I shook my head. "Continue," Ray said.

Frank turned on his heel to face my brother. "Listen," he said, "I handed you over to Pete because I can't deal with that. I hate it! I am the jealous type, and I can't stand when someone I care about deciedes to go running off with someone else. I... I can't handle it."

"I'm sorry," Gerard said. "Really, I am. But-"

"No!" Frank cried. "No 'buts!' I've had it with you and your pointless apologies! Please. Go. Be with Pete instead of hurting me. It would make everything a lot better."

They were silent. "Frank," Gerard said. He stepped forward and took Frank's hands. When Frank didn't move away from him, Ray and I exchanged surprised glaces.

"Please understand that I've fucked up... more than once. I know that, we all do. But I want you. It's just a basic fact. You're incredible, and I don't even deserve you. But I would really appreciate it if you would just give me one more chance. Just one more. Please."

More silence.

"Fine," Frank said. "But if you blow it again, it's completely over!"

Gerard grinned. "Thank you, Frankie," he said. He pulled Frank close to him and kissed him. Frank gave in quickly, practically melting in Gerard's arms. Ray and I gave each other looks that said, 'I knew it.'

Gerard grabbed Frank and flung him over his shoulder, carrying him into the bedroom. The door closed, and I swung my leg back over Ray's lap.

"Well," he said, "Just getting straight to the point, aren't you?"

I grinned, kissing him again. I ran my hands up his chest and over his amazing arms. I linked my fingers with his and pulled them around my lower back.

I draped my arms around his neck, not letting his lips free the whole time.

We kissed for a bit longer, and we were about to get intimate again when Ray pulled away from me.

"What is it?" I signed, giving him a desperate look. "Someone's at the door," he said. I sighed and stomped over to the door. I threw it open and found a tall woman I didn't know.

"Hi," she said. "I'm here to inspect your dorm room."

Oh, shit. This was bad.

Since when did they inspect dorms?!

"This is where Michael Way, Gerard Way, Ray Toro, and Frank Iero are, yes?"

I nodded. "You must be Mikey," she said. "I've been told that you're deaf?" I nodded again and ushered her inside.

Ray must have heard her, because he was in the bedroom making sure Frank and Gerard weren't naked.

She walked around the dorm, poking her nose in corners that I would prefer to be left alone.

At least she didn't go in Frank and Gerard's condom drawer.

We would've been fucked for sure.

"Well, I think I've done my part," she said. Finally.

"Goodnight, boys," she said, walking out the door. We waved at her, and I shut the door irritably behind her. Gerard and Frank retreated to their bedroom, because where else would they go?

I grabbed Ray by the shoulders and pointed at our bedroom. He laughed as I pushed him through the door. I closed it with my foot and pushed him down on the bed.

I fell down on top of him, pinning him. I was fighting for him now. I'd been holding back.

I sucked ferociously at his neck, determined to mark him as mine.

Those would be there when we woke up tomorrow.

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