Chapter 3: Public (Pt. 1)

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I always hated eating out (no pun intended), but if the rest of the guys wanted to, we would. And I would never say no to Ray.

Frank drove, just like he said he would before my little lesson. Gerard sat in the front with him, knowing my small crush on Ray, who was stuck in the back with me.

They talked, and I paid attention as well as I could. It was kind of hard, considering I couldn't see Frank or Gerard. I watched Ray, trying to follow the conversation. Unfortunately, it seemed like he wasn't too involved in their little chat, either.

"Here," he said suddenly. "Can I see your phone?" I nodded and gave it to him. "What's the code?" he asked. I put in '9297' for him, allowing him to see. He thanked me, then went into my contacts. I blushed when I saw that he was putting his phone number in.

"Now we can talk more easily," he said, handing the phone back to me. I smiled and nodded. "But you have to text me so that I'll have your number," he pointed out. I nodded again and quickly went to my messages.

ME: fro

R: clever

ME: thanks!

R: im glad i can text you, it's easier to communicate until i learn sign language

ME: you plan on it?

R: yep, if we're going to be living together. gerard can teach me, right?

ME: im sure he'd be glad to

R: awesome. i want to communicate with you, but texting just doesnt cut it, you know?

ME: yeah, i totally understand that

R: although i will say that texting does show me what kind of person you are and how you think

ME: what do you mean?

R: well, you text the way your thoughts go, so i can get a basis of your personality

ME: are you a psych major?

R: haha, no, but my mom was, so i know a lot of these things

ME: so what are you going to major in, then?

R: im majoring in computer science because of the large job field, and im minoring in music

ME: because of that guitar? it's nice, by the way

R: thanks! and the guitar is part of it, i love it

ME: how well can you play?

R: i would say im okay

ME: i wish i could hear you play

Ray tapped my shoulder and I looked at him. His face had softened somehow. "We're here," he said. I nodded and we all got out of the car. I followed my brother into the restaurant.

A young woman came to seat us. Ray and I sat in the inside of the booth across from each other. I felt my phone vibrate, and there was a text from him waiting.

R: so you said you and gerard are brothers?

ME: yep

R: you look alike, honestly

ME: you think so? most people say we look super different

R: they're blind
R: oh my god im so sorry

ME: its totally fine, dont worry about it

R: thank god, i thought i'd fucked up our friendship already

ME: not a chance, not many things offend me, really

R: thats good to hear. im a little clueless sometimes (as you can probably tell) so sometimes i say stupid shit i dont mean

ME: its okay, im sure if i spoke i would too

I felt the booth move and looked up. Gerard was so close to my face that I could see the details in his skin. I jumped hard enough for my glasses to go crooked on my face.

"Look, on your phone already," Gerard teased, fixing my glasses. "That's a little rude to the rest of us, isn't it, baby brother?"

Like a superhero, Ray came to defend me. "He was texting me," he said. "He's being social." Ray grinned at me, and I jumped again when Gerard pinched my side.

"What were you talking about?" Frank asked. There was a playful tone to his voice, and he was looking at me when he said it. If Gerard told him about me being gay and my crush on Ray already, I was going to kill him.

"Just random stuff," Ray said with a shrug. "Nothing big. I just didn't want him to feel left out of our conversations, you know?" Frank nodded. My phone vibrated again, but it wasn't Ray this time.

G: awwwwwwwwwww

ME: shut up... i hate you


ME: did you tell frank i was gay?

G: ... maybe

ME: fuck you

G: you fucking love me, you little shit

ME: only because i literally have no choice

G: now you do HAHAHHAHAHAA

ME: did you tell him i like ray?

G: didnt have to, he figured it out when i told him you were gay

ME: does ray know? because if he does my life is over

G: it isnt even your first day of college

ME: i dont give a shit

G: whatever. i dont think ray knows, but youll have to ask him yourself

He poked me and I looked up. The waitress was here, and she was talking as she handed out menus. She must have had an accent, because I didn't catch a word of what she said. I screamed internally when she opened her little order book.

"Drinks," Gerard said. I nodded and signed that I wanted water. He told her and nudged the menu towards me. I opened it to look.

It was going to be a long night.

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