Chapter 18: The Way it Burns (Pt. 1)

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"Do you have the booze?"

I took it from Gerard's lap and showed it to Frank. He nodded in approval. "Come on, then."

The four of us climbed out of the car and casually made our way to Pete's dorm. Ray and I had been kind of quiet, avoiding each other in the slightest.

But it was going to be okay.

The party would definitely help.

When we walked inside, the dorm was already nearly overflowed. I managed to pick out Pete at the back. He was with Patrick, some blonde guy with a lip ring, and another guy with hair like ink and tattoos like Frank. But... way more.

Couldn't be a first year.

Could he?

I pushed through the crowd, wondering how loud they were. Pete saw me and raised his beer in welcome. "You want one?" he offered. I shrugged. I figured I'd get one when I knew who the designated driver was for the night.

Pete shrugged. He never forced me to do anything, and I appreciated that.

I tilted my head and gestured to the two guys I didn't know. "Oh!" Pete said. "That's Bob, and that's Ronnie," he said.

I made a mental note. Bob=Blonde. Ronnie=Inky.

"And that's Mikey," Patrick said. "He doesn't really talk. He's deaf." I smiled at them and nodded as Pete swung his arm around me.

"But he's still pretty fun!" he said. I rolled my eyes, brushing the bangs out of my eyes.

I watched them talk about stuff until they got too drunk for me to read their lips. That was when I wandered off in search of my own boyfriend.

I checked the bathroom, which was occupied by two couples in the bathtub, one on the toilet, one on the sink, and a girl passed out on the floor. I told myself to check back in on her before we left.

I cautiously went into the first bedroom, which ended in me walking in on sloppy sex.

I quickly left and checked the second bedroom. I was shocked to find my brother on top of Pete. My jaw dropped. I had no idea what to do.

Plus, when did Pete even get there?!

His hands slid up Gerard's shirt and I rushed back out. I had to find Ray. He would know what to do. He always had the answer.

I eventually did find him, talking with Frank and Patrick (which explained why Pete got away) in the kitchen. I went up and grabbed his arm. He looked at me, giving me his attention.

I tugged his arm. He followed me, but when he realized that I was leading him to the bedroom, he gently turned me around.

"Mikey, I need you to tell me something," he said. "How much have you had to drink?" I shook my head vigorously, yanking on his hand.

He sighed and I pointed at the door. "What is it?" he asked. "G," I signed. "And P-E-T-E."

"Really?" Ray asked. I nodded quickly, pointing at the door again. He opened it slowly, poking his head in. He held his hand out for mine. "Pretend you're drunk," he instructed. I nodded again.

He flung open the door, faking his intoxication. Gerard's head sprung up, and his eye's widened when he saw us.

"Frank?!" he cried. "Patty?!" Pete shoved Gerard away, and I turned around in confusion. Patrick and Frank had apparently followed us over here.

I screamed internally.

I had just meant for Ray to come and help, but now I'd gone and fucked my brother, my roommate, and my best friend and his boyfriend up the asses.

"Pete," Patrick said. His expression was a mix of sadness, shock, and anger. Frank's face was identical.

"Fuck you!" Frank screamed. He stormed out of the room, and Patrick followed. I looked sadly at Ray, but he just looked defeated.

"Mikey?" Gerard said, turning to me. "You... You brought them here? Did you know?"

I looked down. I wanted severly to sink into the floor, but physics hated me.

"It wasn't his fault," Ray defended. "He didn't know they would follow us. He just wanted my help to split you up."

"Why don't you just shut the fuck up, fro boy?" Gerard snapped. Pete put a hand on his shoulder, but Gerard threw it off.

"No," he said. "I've had enough of this shit. You need to stay out of what I choose to do, do you hear me? I've hated you since Mikey decided he was into you. You don't deserve my brother." Gerard turned his angry gaze to me. "Then again," he said, "Maybe you two are fucking perfect for each other."

"He's drunk," Pete said. "Don't listen to him, he doesn't mean it."

But I already had.

"Leave us alone," I signed angrily. When Gerard just gave me a strange look, I knew he was too drunk to funtion.

"Come on," I signed to Ray. I took his hand, leaving Gerard with Pete. I wasn't going to take him with us if he was going to be a dick the whole time.

"You go," I instructed. "I'll be there soon."

I made my way back to the bathroom to check on the girl. There was another girl there then, helping her to her feet. The drunk one was slurring out things, looking tired.

"Come on, you can do it," her friend encouraged. The girl shook her head, and her friend gently toted her out of the bathroom and outside to go home.

We found Frank and Patrick stading outside the dorm. "Why are you still here?" Ray asked. Frank shrugged, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"We were waiting for you two," he said. I noticed the alcohol by his feet. Patrick grabbed it. "Can I stay over there tonight?" he asked. I nodded.

As if I would say no.

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