twenty-two: the snow ball

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ABOUT A MONTH later, Kate found herself helping El get ready for the Hawkins Middle School Annual Snow Ball

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ABOUT A MONTH later, Kate found herself helping El get ready for the Hawkins Middle School Annual Snow Ball.

Hopper had finally given the Snow Ball date with Mike the okay only a couple of hours before the scheduled start time of the dance, making Kate's life extremely difficult rather quickly for a few hours. It wasn't like her father had done it on purpose, but he'd only gotten Dr. Owens's approval after meeting with him for lunch and officially getting El's birth certificate from him that day—officially, El was finally a Hopper, through and through.

That also meant, however, that Kate didn't have any time to go out and buy El a new cute dress for her date with Mike, and she certainly didn't have any time to try and figure out a way to style short hair well. She seriously contemplated calling Steve and asking for advice, but she figured that she wouldn't subject El to such torment, nor would she dare boost his ego.

Now, though, Kate was much more focused on doing El's makeup, more specifically trying to incorporate what little eyeshadow she had with an old dress she'd found for Eleven as Christmas music played loudly from the radio in the background. "All right, I know I'm not the best with this type of thing, but I'm trying my best, here, I promise."

Whenever El caught her reflection in the mirror, she smiled slightly. "Pretty."

Since Halloween, her hair had grown out a tad bit more, and Kate had styled it to where it had barely hung down from her head, slicking back some of her curls. Her dress, a simple but cute gray dress with pink dots and a pink belt that Kate had found in her closet from a past dance of her own that El had very quickly fallen in love with, not to mention it fit her perfectly.

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