Part 9

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Knock knock
I answer the door, and there is my girlfriend Kaede.
"Hey Shuichi! I have to talk to you."
"Oh ok, come in."
She came in and sat on the couch.
"So what do you want to talk about?"
"I think we.... need a break."
"I mean, you've been acting different from when we first started dating. You're a lot more mean, and aggressive."
"Wha- What do you mean?"
"I mean like, what you did last time... the thing that got Rantaro suspended."
"But, you asked for me to do that?"
"I didn't ask you to do such a thing! You can't just blame this on me when I didn't ask for that! This is why I'm breaking up with you, I'm sorry Shuichi, goodbye."
She got up and walked out my apartment.
What is wrong with her..? She did ask me to do those things.
"That bitch.... THAT BITCH!"
Out of anger I throw down my hand, and I hit my coffee table in for the of the couch. And I accidentally broke it, glass going on the floor and cutting his hand.
"Shit. I didn't mean to do that."
I look at my bloody hand. Damn.
I walk into my kitchen, and open a cabinet. I then grab some bandages and started to fix my bloody hand. I'm gonna have to pick up that glass and get rid of the table... I need to get over Kaede, she's a bitch, I shouldn't- no. I don't care for her.
(POV change)
"A-Alright Kokichi. Are y-you ready to leave?"
Mikan asks me. Today I'm leaving the hospital, and I'm gonna go home to my family again... I had a option to go back to that apartment with Shuichi, but I'm not ready to talk to him.
I smile, "yep!"
"Th-that's good... oh also I want you to do something." She grabbed some paper, and wrote something on it. "I h-have my number written here. Call m-me if you need anything, g-get hurt, or if you j-just need to talk to someone. I want to make sure y-you're safe. A-also please call me tonight, I would like t-to know how it was going back home."
"Oh yeah! I will do that! Thanks Mikan! It's fun to talk to you," and that's not a lie. I actually enjoy talking to her, it would be nice to be friends with her. She seems like I can trust her... maybe.
"O-oh that's great, I-I'll will walk you outside if you want."
"That would be great, let's go."
I got signed off from the hospital, then Mikan took me outside, and we talked awhile until my brother pulled up. Now I'm sitting next to him in the car.
"You're a idiot Kokichi." He broke the silence.
"Says you, Kono."
"Well I'm not the one jumping off roofs for fun."
I fell silent, ending our conversation. My brother Kono, is just a complete asshole, he doesn't understand anything.
"Tch. Don't just go silent, but seriously you're such a fucking idiot," He started laughing. I just sighed,
"Shut up. Anyways, what has been happening back at home since I went to the hospital."
"Heh, how did you really get into the hospital?"
"Stop avoiding my question."
"Mom and dad has been same as usual."
"This why didn't you just say that?"
"Cause their fighting got worse."
"But you just said-"
"Oi, Shut up." He then pulled into a drive way. "We're home anyways."
"Ok." I started getting out of the car, honestly, I kinda wish I wasn't here at home. But I rather be here then having to see... saihara again.
"Kichi? You good? Come on let's go inside."
Apparently I spaced out, and my brother was already at the front door. Also how dare he call me that. Only my friends call me 'Kichi'.
"I'm coming, and don't call me that." I walked over to him.
"Whatever Kichi."
I elbowed him, as he laughed.
"... let's go in, hopefully mom isn't home." Kono said. Moms a pretty scary person , but Kono saying that makes me think she might be worse. I mean, she did have to pay for my hospital bill, I can see why she might be mad. But she's a actor, that should be easy money. I shouldn't assume things about mom though, she's always crazy. Especially when-
"Kokichi?!" Kono was shaking me.
"You spaced out again. Anyways come on."
He opened the door, and sure enough we can already tell moms home.
We heard yelling from inside the house.
"... what's the plan?"
"How am I supposed to know? I'm going to my room you're on your own."
"But if I go to my room I have to go passed mom and dads room. You're lucky, you're room is before theirs!"
"Sounds like a you problem... you should tell them that we're back."
"Yeah, if I want to die, can't you tell they are fighting-"
Suddenly dad walked out of their room, "can't you two be quiet, you should have also told us you were back."
"We just came back dad, and I told Kokichi to tell you. But he diiddddnnntttt waaannnttt toooo." He held onto his words longer then it was meant to.
"Well why don't you two go to your rooms? After I'm done talking to your mother, we can sit down for dinner and talk."
"Sweet." Kono said, and I nodded.
"Ok go now." He went back into the room.
"Pfft, Dad looks happy to see you,"
"Is dad ever happy to see me?"
"Good point, I would be disappointed to have a child like you."
"Whatever." I just walked past Kono, and my parents now closed room, to mine.
I closed my door and looked around my room.
Since I moved into that apartment most of my room isn't even in here.
At least my bed is here. I sat down on my bed, as I hear my parents fight in the room next to mine.
I sure missed this.

1015 words. Thank you for reading

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