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***trigger warning***

I squeezed my eyes shut tightly, hands braced in front of my face, my body folding into itself. I don't know if I'm still crying, I don't know if I'm still screaming, my ears were ringing and everything hurt.

Everything hurts so much.

The ringing in my ear starts to go down and I can finally hear some words. Oh, oh, I'm still crying

"-u can't do one single thing right! I asked you for a glass of water and what did you do!"

I reached out, my hands holding onto Mason's leg, pressing my face right against his skin.

"P-please. I'm sorry. I w-won't do it again." I begged, I could feel the tears falling down my face now, I could feel the liquid rolling down my nose, the side of my face hurt and my stomach had received the most hits. Everything still hurt though.

Mason grabbed my hair and pulled back, the sharp stinging pain shooting through my body and it was so painful, it hurt to open my eyes, it hurt to breathe. I was so scared. It was all my fault. I should have used a tray, I shouldn't have spilled the water down his pants, I should have put the water and a cup on the tray and brought it to him.

"I am so sorry. Please."

"I work for the both of us, I put food on the table for both us, I work so hard and I just want to come home and relax but what do I get from you? HUH?!" Mason asked, his grip in my hair tightening.

"I'm sorry! Please! Please!" I begged, my body shaking with how hard I was crying.

Mason let go of my hair and I gasped, burying my face into my hands. I felt Mason move closer to him. I flinched when Mason placed a hand on my hair. I couldn't seem to stop crying. Mason runs his fingers through my hair.


I let out a loud sob.

"Baby..." Mason said, this time his hands lifting my head up. I blinked my the tears away, mentally sighing when Mason uses his thumb to wipe my tears away. "I'm so sorry, baby." This causes more tears, to flow. Why is he sorry? He wasn't the one at fault. He wasn't the one who made a mistake. I shuffled closer towards him.

"You have to understand that I had to. I had to make you understand what you did wrong." Mason said and I nodded. I understood what he meant. I wouldn't do it again. I won't do it again. I swear. I promise.

"I won't do it again. I promise."

"I know you won't, baby." Mason said, peppering my face with kisses. I liked it when he does this. Most often than not, he leaves me on the floor when he's done hitting me. Most times I'm left having to pick myself up.

I cherished moments like this. When Mason held me afterwards. When he says sweet words or calls me baby. I wasn't hurting me, I was hurting him. I was hurting Mason. If I hadn't made a mistake, he wouldn't have to take these measures with me.

I know I'm not perfect but Mason's helping me to be. To grow into the perfect person I can be.

"Want me to carry you to bed, baby?" Mason asked. "So I can check your stomach? See, if there's something you need."

I nodded against his chest. When I was in Mason's arms, everything felt okay. Everything felt fine. I am going to keep trying to be perfect for him. For Mason. He's my everything. My boyfriend and my friend and I love him a lot.

Part of the theme of this book is domestic violence, hence the trigger warning.

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