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It was monday,  and the end of school,  you were just thinking about stuff,  about the upcoming game tomorrow, you hadn't really quite gone through, why you didn't help them with what they lack,  of crouse they lack a coach, you thought ukai-san would be a good one,  but the last thing you knew he wasn't interested at all,  lying basterd...

"oyy (l/n)"someone suddenly called out making you jump,  looking at the tall figure besides you, you looked up examining him.

"your really tall tsukishima-san, your like a Sauroposeidon"you said day dreaming about the dinosaur making tsukishima sighed at your figure sitting down on the desk.

"sure, are you coming or what? "tsukishima asked,  as you looked confused, making the blonde flick your head as you squinted from the sudden pain, making you looked at him kinda annoyed.


"to practice, airhead"tsukishima rolled his eyes as your eyes widen,  you never really thought the day would come,  tsukishima would invite you to walk with him, well you kinda forced him to walk with you to school since you guys would go at the same time.

"oh! Sure, and by the way,  i already told you to call me (y/n)"you told him as you grab your bag,  making the tall blonde roll his eyes getting his aswell.

"whatever"putting up his signature frown,  making you shrug, as both of you walked to the gym.

"you know, frowning makes you age faster"you told the blonde, but he grumbled rolling his eyes,  making you chuckle at his reaction.


It was fianlly tuesday,  and finally the practice match,  that everyone was waiting for,  well sorta,  you guys went to the bus that was prepared for today,  as you sat down with kiyoko,  you thought everything was going well,  until hinata puked on tanaka's pants, which was already a bad sign.

You guys finally went to aoba johsia academy, you heard these dudes were an elite school or something, which didn't really picked your interest, you helped kiyoko with the unpacking and the equipment needed for the game today,  you heard hinata was at the bathroom,  since he was still really nervous as a werk, hinata finally went back, daichi trying to calm him down but didn't work, as daichi suddenly whispered to you.

"(y/n)-san why don't you give encouragement to your fellow first year?"diachi question you as you nodding going to hinata patting his shoulder.

"hinata-kun,  you'll do great! We can count on you"you said smiling as hinata exploded into red making daichi sweatdrop

"really?!"hinata said nervously as you nodded.

"even though your like a Compsognathus, you can do it"you said to him,  as hinata looked confused.

"comp-huh? "hinata asked you,  as you were about to explain but tsukishima cutted you off.

"ok,  you said enough (y/n), go back"tsukishima told you pushing you away from the confused boy,  as you sweatdropped.

"tsukishima-kun,  is such a kill joy"you said quite sad,  as tsukishima rolled his eyes but ruffled your hair.

"watever, you dinosaur nerd"he lastly told you, walking away making you slightly blush but pouted, fixing your loose hair on your face.

"dinosaur nerd is one way to call it"you said kinda agreeing with the name, since you hated it at First.

You went to kiyoko as the game finally started, it was a rough start since hinata was really nervous, which was really bad,  you examinies the other team,  they were nothing really special for you,  the only downside to your team was a libero, which you guys didn't have, it was hinata finally time to serve but he serve it to kageyama's head which made you sweatdrop, but they had a little arguement to finally get hinata back to his old self,  you can tell hinata was super fast,  you even think he can jump high,  kiyoko told you about their amazing quick,  which you saw in practice, which they finally did, and was really amazing.

After the epic comeback,  they did a clockwise, tsukishima and kageyama was glaring at each other intensely while blocking which really was entertaining, they manage to block it either way so its a win win,  but now that you think about l isn't this supposed to be a elite school,  why are they getting rekt by a school that wasn't even a power house.

It was finally set three,  your eyes widen since there were tons of girl screaming as you eyes went to a boy, your eyes completely went wide open,  his numbers are incredible, you can totally tell he was a setter and his served  might even be powerful.

"(y/n)-chan are you ok? "kiyoko told you making you snap, as you look away nervously.

"that man, is dangerous"you told kiyoko making her eyes widen looking at oikawa,  you notice someone was looking at you,  as your eyes meet with the one and only pretty boy, as he winked at you,  making you looked at him uncomfortably as you ignored it looking away.

As the the pretty boy was warming up,  karasuno was taking the lead,  already having a set point which was good,  until the pretty boy was finally in, and was about to serve, and now that you think about it,  two players that doesn't know how to receive was tsukishima and hinata which was bad, and bad for you guys aswell.

The dude began to serve to tsukishima,  with no mercy at all, you couldn't blame the blonde since those were some powerful serves,  as the opposite side began to gain up to to 3 pionts just by serving scoring to 23 to 24,but tsukishima finally got to receive it but it was a free ball to them,  it was was aoba finally turn to attack but hinata block a guy, one touching it giving them a chance to do a quick.

You felt relief when you guys won,  but you already saw how powerful that guy is, no wonder this was an elite team,  it would be bad if he had join in the whole match, you were walking to tha van, having a cooler in your hand, since kiyoko went ahead.

"hey there~"you stopped as you saw a familiar pretty boy last game,  as he smiled at you,  which you bowed down.

"hello, Spinosaurus-kun"you told, so he would get creep out and leave but it didn't work as he chuckled.

"please call me oikawa, and your name is? "oikawa said smiling.

"(l/n) (y/n)"you told him, making him went close to you, still putting up his charming smiled.

"ahh mind if i call you (y/n)-chan? "he questioned, as you shrugged.

"its fine"you told him as he chuckled at your cute figure,  you were totally his type but suddenly you felt someone grab you pulling you away from the Prince Charming.

"lets go, before we leave you"tsukishima told you quite annoyed as you kinda thanked him in the inside since he saved your ass,  from the flirty Prince Charming, as tsukishima stopped grabbing the cooler

"give me that"tsukishima told your figure,  making your eyes widen,  he was sorta acting weird.

"wait tsukishima-kun,  i can-"

"shut up, you'll get shoter if you carry this"tsukishima told you making you facepalm,  you take back about what you said earlier.

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