Meanwhile in Sarassaland...

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Daisy lay on her bed staring up at the ceiling and pondered what to do. Just yesterday her parents had told her that they were going to try to marry her off to someone. They wanted her to act like a perfect princess. But Daisy didn't want to do that. She didn't want to be married off or have to live the rest of her life trying to be prim and proper just to please everyone.

That's why Daisy just laid there in a haze, trying to avoid going downstairs where her parents were waiting. But she knew she couldn't just stay here forever.

Daisy got up and looked around her room. It was quite the mess. There were dirty clothes laying everywhere, dust on the drawers, and trash thrown all over the place. She hadn't felt like cleaning it lately, because of all the fights she had gotten in with her parents.

Daisy sighed and stood up. Then she began to get ready for today. She put on her favorite dress, which she loved but her parents never approved of. It was light orange with a dark orange trim. It had puffy short sleeves that had a white flower-like cloth poking out of it. Then there was the flower pendant that was on the middle of the chest. It was a light turquoise-ish blue in the middle, had white pedals, and matched her earnings and crown. It was a beautiful dress that was fine for a princess. Daisy never understood why her parents didn't like it but she was starting to think it's because they just never liked when she had an opinion.

Daisy then looked in the mirror at her long, thick, messy, brown hair. It was tangled up and stuck out everywhere. Daisy grabbed a brush and began to brush through the tangles.

Daisy didn't like her hair so long but she couldn't cut it. Her parents wouldn't let her. Especially her mom, she loved her hair almost like it was an accomplishment to have a child with such hair. Daisy hated how she felt like that's all she was to them, an accomplishment.

Once Daisy had finished brushing her hair she opened the door of her room. She took a deep breath before leaving and making her way downstairs.

Daisy could smell eggs and waffles being made in the kitchen. They smelled so good that it almost made Daisy drool and forget about why she was trying to avoid coming down here. But she instantly remembered once she heard her parents' voices coming from the dining room.

Daisy crept into the kitchen as quietly as possible hoping to avoid being caught. She grabbed some food and tried to leave before anyone noticed. But it was too late, she heard a voice calling her name. "Hello Daisy darling. Why don't you join us for breakfast?"

Daisy slumped her shoulders and sighed. She turned to face her mother who had her arms crossed and a sly grin upon her face. Darn it. I can't avoid them today.

Daisy took her food over to the dining table and sat down to eat. "Oh good morning dear. Finally going to join us today, hmm?" Daisy's father was sitting on the other side of the table reading the newspaper.

"Yeah sure, I totally wanted to be here," Daisy responded sarcastically and rolled her eyes.

"Of course you did dear. Especially with the exciting news we told you yesterday!" Daisy's dad shook his paper in excitement.

Oh great, so that wasn't a dream. "Right... I actually wanted to talk to you about that particular thing..."

"We know your just so excited and happy to meet your suitors today!"

"Trust me darling. The men here to see you are all dashingly handsome."

"Well actually, I was going to say something more like I don't want to marry someone today. You know, I want to take my time."

"Take your time? To do what?" Daisy's dad was so flustered that he actually looked up from his newspaper, "Get so old that no one will ever love you? Or maybe you don't want to get married at all. Is that it?!"

"What?! No, dad, I just think you rushing me a bit too much! Why is it so bad that I want to find the right guy?!"

Daisy's mom put down her fork and sighed. "Look honey, we know what's best for you. Trust us, you're going to thank us when you're older."

"But you don't know what's best for me all the time! In fact, a lot of the things you thought were 'best' for me has made me really unhappy. Can't you just let me do what I want this once?"

"Now dear we don't want to be ridiculous. How could you know what you really want? You're not that old yet."

"You think I'm the one being ridiculous? Just listen to yourselves! Look, I'm not getting married today just because you want me to and that's final!" Daisy stood up and excused herself from the table. She wasn't really that upset but she didn't feel like fighting today.

Daisy made her way down to the back of the castle where there was a back door that led outside. It was put there in case of a fire but Daisy mostly used it as a way to get out of the castle without anyone noticing. She slipped out of the door and took a deep breath.

She didn't like to admit it but Daisy did need to take a breather once in a while. It helped her calm down and lately she's needed them a lot.

Daisy slid down the door till she was on the floor. The sun was out and it was quite hot but Daisy didn't mind. She was used to it.

Daisy's gaze shifted over towards her kingdom.

The Kingdom of Sarassaland was quite the gem. It sat in the middle of a desert where nothing was expected to survive. Yet there it was, thriving. The people who lived there had figured out not only how to survive in the harsh conditions but build a stable kingdom.

Each and every day the people of Sarassaland were busy keeping everything from plants to buildings in check. Most enjoyed their lives in Sarassaland for it was a marvelous place. The way the light hit the sandstone buildings made them almost glow with a warm orange light that made you feel warm inside when ever you saw it. The sunsets were as if someone had sprinkled gold shavings across the sky as the sun dipped lower and lower out of sight. Even the sand itself was considered beautiful for it looked like an orange ocean that went on for as far as the eye could see.

Daisy loved seeing her kingdom and all the people in it. It made her feel happy to see everyone enjoying their day even if it felt like her's was a train wreck.

Daisy's frown crept into a smile as she sat back and watched all the citizens of Sarassaland progress through their day.


Daisy had sat there for what seemed like hours. She was watching the people in the kingdom do their jobs. Sometimes she wished she could be like them. They just seemed so happy.

Daisy sighed and stood up. She knew she would have to face her parents one way or another. It's not like she could run away or anything...

Just then Daisy heard a twig snap. She swung her head towards the sound and her eyes widened. There was a strange man standing there. He had a bushy mustache sitting under a large nose, which was slightly sunburned. He wore a green hat with the letter "L" on the front. Under that hat was a headband with horns attached to it that matched the shell on his back. The shell was green, spiky, and was covered with patches all over the place. It was very obviously homemade.

The man just stood there, his eyes wide, staring at Daisy and all Daisy could do was stare back.

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