The Truth

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Luigi froze. That wasn't a good sign. "W-What do you mean?"

Kamek turned to face Luigi with a hard stare. An almost pained expression spread across Kamek's face as if he knew he would have to discuss something he'd rather leave in the past.

"I suppose I should tell you where you truly came from..." Kamek rasped as he brought over a chair. He motioned for Luigi to sit in the chair and sat in his own right across from it. "I just hope you don't think any less of me. Just know that I still love you and Bowser as if you were my own children.

"Well I suppose I should start at the beginning. I was just an ordinary magickoopa when I came in possession of a baby koopa king, Bowser. I thought it would stay like that but well, things happen...

"I had gotten a vision about two future threats to Bowser, you and your real brother, and I knew I had to take action. So I did something even I'm not proud of:

"I tried kidnapping you two. I attempted to grab you both from the stork that was carrying you. Unfortunately I only grabbed you. Your brother fell upon a yoshi's back and carried to the house that you were supposed to be delivered to. I tried to retrieve him too but alas the yoshis were too strong. So I just settled on raising you and it was one of the best things I ever got to do, raising you and Bowser."

"So you're saying you kidnapped me..." Luigi whispered, trying to process what he'd heard. He knew that was adopted, he wasn't stupid, but he didn't know that this was how he came here.

"Yes but-"

"What part of kidnapping babies sounds like a good idea?! How could you do something like that?" Luigi burst out in a fit of anger and frustration.

Kamek was surprised by Luigi's sudden outburst. He was hoping that Luigi would forgive him easier than this. "Luigi I-"

"No! I trusted you, I knew that we were all evil but not in that way! I can't believe that I've spent my life wondering where I came from! No, I can't believe I spent most of my life with you."

Kamek flinched, that last part stung quite a bit. There were some noises above the cellar Luigi and Kamek were in, someone was awake. The noise got closer and closer-

"And what about Bowser's kids?! All this time they trusted you. Bowser trusted you around them! You shouldn't be trusted anywhere near kids!"

"But think of all the things I did for you. I cared for you! You may not exactly be my kid but I still love you both as if you were mine. I had to kidnap you, you were a threat to Bowser!"

"Well that didn't do much did it? Mario's a threat and nothing you did prevented that! No matter what you do you prevent someone from threatening Bowser it's going to happen anyways!"

"But I can always try! Look I'm sorry, okay?"

"You're sorry? You're sorry?! I can't believe you think this can be solved with a simple sorry. You know what? I should go. I should be living with my real family."

"You're leaving? You can't leave!"

"Why not?"

"Please don't leave. I said I'm sorry I promise never to kidnap again!"

Luigi stood up and turned to the door, blinking back tears. He was done hearing Kamek's pleas. He walked out of the cellar.

There stood Bowser and all of his kids, looking horrified. They could not believe what they had heard.

Luigi stared at all of them before saying goodbye. He gave a hug to them all and began sobbing as he went up the stairs.

Kamek ran out of the his room in an attempt to stop Luigi but halted immediately when he saw Bowser and his kids. They all stared at each other for a minute before Bowser spoke. "So is it true?"


Bowser just looked at his kids then back at Kamek. He grabbed Bowser Jr.'s hand. "Kamek, I need to know. Is it true?"

Kamek stared at the whole family for a minute before deciding to just tell the truth. "Yes."

Bowser closed his eyes before looking down at Junior. Then he looked back up at Kamek and squeezed Jr.'s hand. "I'm sorry Kamek. I need to keep my kids safe."

Bowser began walking towards the stairs. All the kids took one last look at Kamek before following Bowser. Kamek looked on in horror.

"No wait! I'm sorry! I promise it was only one time! I won't do it again! Don't leave me please!" Kamek felt tears forming in his eyes for the first time in years.

Bowser took one last look at the koopa who had raised him before turning to leave, his children followed.


Luigi opened the door to the castle and revealed the fresh, cold night air. The stork stood in the same spot that he was when Luigi went inside. He looked at Luigi with a hard stare. "So was I right or not?"

Luigi, with tears still feel forming in his eyes, turned to the stork. "Just take me to my family."

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