You Remind Me a Bit of Someone...

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Luigi walked into Daisy's "cell" with both their dinners. It may be one level below where Bowser's throne is but it's still pretty high up. Bowser felt as if he should be the highest thing in the kingdom so he set up his main place on the highest floor.

Daisy sat on the balcony and patted the spot next to her for Luigi. Luigi shakily made his way over to Daisy and handed her dinner.

"Thanks." Daisy began to eat.

Luigi grabbed his fork and rolled up some pasta onto it. He didn't feel like eating even though he was hungry. He was just so nervous.

"So, how was your day?" Daisy asked while looking out at the sunset, "I mean you look exhausted."

"I-It was okay, I guess." Luigi shook as he took a bite of his pasta.

"Okay, what happened?"

"W-What do you mean?!"

"'It was okay, I guess.' People only say things like that when they had a bad day. So tell me about it."

"W-Well I m-mean umm..." Luigi sighed, he knew he wasn't going to be able to avoid telling her. "Well I-I don't know. I just got a bit frustrated with a-Bowser."

Luigi's pupils suddenly became smaller and he quickly covered his mouth. Daisy noticed and looked at him with confusion. "What's wrong?"

"S-Sorry. Sometimes I do this t-thing where I say a- before something. I've been working on trying to stop but sometimes it s-slips out."

"What's so wrong with it?"

"Everyone thinks it's weird..." Luigi looked off to the side. It hurt to think like that but he knew it was true. He was the weirdo of the kingdom. He wasn't a koopa or a goomba or whatever Bowser was. He was a human with a strange pattern of speech. It made him feel like an outcast.

"Well I think it's cute." Daisy said putting a forkful of food in her mouth.

Luigi choked on his food and blushed. "W-What?"

"I said I think it's cute."

She really thinks it's cute?! "Really?"

"Yeah, you should do it more often. Don't let what other's tell you effect you. I learned that lesson long ago..." Daisy looked off to the side.

"You wanna talk about it?" What are you doing?! Of course she wouldn't want to talk to you!

Daisy sighed and looked at Luigi. "You want to know the reason I really came with you? My parents want to marry me off." Luigi stared at Daisy with concern. He noticed her eyes were a bit watery.

"I've been fighting with them a lot lately. They want me to be someone I'm not. I just didn't want to deal with them. Though I suppose I can't just run away from all my problems.

"I just hate it all. I hate having to where stupid girly looking dresses and having to learn the most proper of manners. I hate how everyone expects so much. I hate how my parents think they can control me." Daisy looked about ready to cry.

"And this is just another reminder that I'm too afraid to do anything about it!" Daisy held out her hair. "I hate how it's this long!"

"W-Why don't you cut it?"

"My parents would be devastated, especially my mother."

Luigi thought for a minute about how to cheer Daisy up. He felt as if he made her cry by asking about her problems. Then he had an idea. "Well it would-a be a shame if a-something happened to your hair while you were a-kidnapped." Luigi made sure to add some extra a's.

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