The Stork

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Luigi couldn't help but smile as he waved goodbye to Daisy. That was the best afternoon of his life and he couldn't wait for next Tuesday. Unfortunately it was about to come to an end.

Right as Luigi began to close the door he saw something out the corner of his eye. He opened the door more to get a better look.

There was a dark outline of a figure walking towards the castle. It was large and had a beak and wings. There were cuts, bruises, and scars lining the poor creature. Though it was undeniable what the creature was, Luigi couldn't think of why was it here.

"A stork? We didn't order any babies. Unless Bowser decided to get another one." Luigi put his hand on his chin in thought as the figure approached him.

"Hello sir, are you by any chance Luigi?" The stork's voice was raspy and tired.

Luigi gulped and nodded. "But I-I think you m-must be m-mistaken M-Mr.Stork. I d-didn't order any b-babies"

"You think that's why I'm here? Pfft you're ridiculous. I can't deliver a thing after a terrible incident that happened. One that had you involved."

Luigi blinked and backed away from the stork. "W-What do you mean?"

"Let me tell you the story:

"I was a happy stork. I had a good job, good family, good life. All you could ever want and it was all about to be taken away. You see losing a baby on your way to deliver it is the worst crime you could possibly commit where I live. Even worse than murder.

"I decided to take you and your brother home that day. I thought it would be a simple job and that I could maybe even get the day off early for delivering twins. So I took off into the sky without a worry in my mind. You two babies swinging from my feet. Of course I wouldn't drop you or anything but it is pretty fun to watch babies laugh as they swing playfully in your grasp.

"I thought all was going well. That was until I was attacked by something. It snatched you up, let your brother fall, and left me injured. Once I had reached the ground I was tied up by it's minions.

"I was hopeless and helpless. Swinging from a branch, tied by my leg, upside down. My whole body felt broken and numb. The only thing I could feel was the regret and guilt of not watching out for any baby snatchers.

"It wasn't until two guards passed me that I knew any information on if you were safe or alive. They were complaining that the Yoshis were too powerful to defeat and were your brother home. As for you, I heard them say that some guy named Kamek had brought home a baby named Luigi. I felt instant relief at knowing that you two were safe but I also feared you guys wouldn't get home.

"I tried loosening up the ropes that held me but to no avail. They were tough but I knew it was my duty to get you home and I won't stop at anything to get you there. I tried and tried at the ropes but they wouldn't break or move. Finally I missed the rope and broke the branch off the tree I was on. I was free.

"Now came the hard part, finding and returning you two to your parents. I had remembered the guards saying something about the Yoshis taking one baby to his house. It was the only clue I had so I made my way to the house. I couldn't fly, my wings and one leg were broken. The pain was unbearable but I pushed on through the rough terrain.

"Finally I had made it. I saw a small house, the house. I peered into the window to check if you guys were there. I only found one baby. You had been taken somewhere else. I didn't know where but I knew I had to find you.

"I made a vow, to find you and return you to your home. I couldn't return home for I would be shunned and imprisoned. I was now an outlaw and I wouldn't stop at any costs until I found you. And now I'm here. I found you."

Luigi just stood there, mind blank. "R-Right..." He thought this stork was crazy. "Well I'll just be going now." Luigi took a step back into the castle.

"You don't believe me?"

Luigi scratched the back of his head. He felt bad but he kinda didn't. "N-Not really s-sir."

"Fine, why don't you ask your caretaker? That Kamek guy, he should know."

Luigi grasped the doorknob. Even though the stork sounded ridiculous part of Luigi felt as though it could be true. He never knew how Kamek found him. If he was in an adoption center wouldn't he at least be a koopa or goomba?

"Well go ask him! I'll be waiting..."

Luigi gulped and nodded as he closed the door. He breathed out. It couldn't be true, right? I mean even though technically he was evil, he would never do something like kidnap a child. And even if he did, why him? Who did that stork say his real brother was again?

Luigi got so lost in his thoughts that he didn't realize he had arrived at Kamek's cellar. The drop of a book broke his train of thought.

Luigi knocked on the door.

"Come in." A familiar cackling voice rang from the other side of the door.

Luigi opened the door to reveal Kamek working on a potion looking at a book.

"H-Hey Kamek..."

"Yes Luigi?" Kamek hadn't looked up from his book.

"W-Well, this is going to s-sound crazy but umm... did you by any chance kidnap me when I was a baby being carried by a stork cause there's one right outside who told me to ask you and I thought he was crazy so I thought I'd come ask you just to make sure and prove to the stork that you would never do that." Luigi spoke the last part so fast and all in one sentence.

Kamek stopped what he was doing and looked up at the wall. "Who told you that?"

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