How I Met My Brother

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The stork led Luigi through a forest. Luigi jumped at every sound he heard and shadow he saw. This forest was much scarier than in the daytime when flying over it in an airship. Luigi had never attempted going through it by foot.

The stork seemed unfazed though. As if he had been through this forest many times. At least Luigi assumed he had but maybe this was just nothing compared to what he had gone through before.

Finally after what seemed like hours the two made it out of the forest and Luigi could see the sky at last. He sighed in relief that he had made it through there. The stork continued down a pathway before stopping and looking at Luigi.

"You might consider taking that shell off... and the horns. I'll just say it now: where we're going the people won't take kindly to anyone that looks like that adopted brother of yours."

Luigi nodded and began taking off the shell that he had made himself. He ran his hand over all the patches on it and remembered how many times it had saved him from getting hurt. Then he took of the headband with horns attached to it. This item didn't help him nearly as much but there was still some sentimental value in it so Luigi wanted it to be safe too. He put them both in a hole in a tree and covered it with leaves to keep it hidden.

Then Luigi nodded to the stork and he nodded back. They continued on the path.

The place they were headed soon came into view. Peach's castle? Luigi was confused to say the least. He almost tapped the stork on the shoulder to ask him why they were going to such a place but thought better of it.

They arrived at the door and the stork reached for the doorbell. Luigi couldn't take it anymore and stopped him.

"Why are we here?" Luigi asked.

The stork replied with a simple, "this is where your brother resides at the moment," and rung the doorbell. Luigi bit his gloves. He was afraid of who would answer the door and wished he had his shell to hide in.

There were some commotion behind the door and after a while someone had answered. It was a toad. Luigi felt almost relieved that it wasn't Mario or Peach but at the same time he knew he would have to face them soon.

The toad screamed and ran back inside, calling for Mario to come. Luigi gulped and began fiddling with his hands. He knew that Mario would think this is a trap (he had every right to) and attack Luigi.

There were some footsteps coming at the door at an alarming pace. Luigi braced himself.

Mario bust open the door and was confused to say the least to see nothing but a stork and Luigi standing there. He decided to let down his gaurd to hear what the two had to say. "What's a-going on here?"

Luigi just shrugged for he honestly had no clue but the stork had a much different reaction. He looked straight at Mario and back at Luigi. "I have finally done my job. Luigi I would like you to meet your real brother, Mario."


Time seemed to stop for a while as Luigi just stared at the stork and Mario. Then he nervously laughed. "This is a joke right? This has to be a joke."

The stork looked at Luigi and judging by his glare he was not joking. Mario just looked plain confused.

"I do not have a brother. I am an only child. You must have the wrong house. Plus this is a-bowser's brother. You know, my sworn enemy?"

The stork shook his head in disappointment. "Just because he lives somewhere else than you does not mean he is not related. Bowser is not even the same species and humans are quite rare. If you would let me explain to you how this is true maybe you will believe me."

Mario just gave a shrug. "Alright. I'll hear you out."

Mario let both Luigi and the stork inside of the castle. He lead them into a room with a couch and two chairs. They all sat down and awaited the stork's story.

While the stork told his story, Luigi kept fiddling with his hands. He didn't know if he believed that Mario was his brother but the stork had been right about everything else so he had reasons to believe he might be.

Mario just sat there listening to the stork's story. He also didn't really believe it. How could Luigi, of all people, be his brother? And even if he was, what now?

Once the stork was finished they all sat there in silence. No one knew who to trust. It all seemed too unlikely to be true.

After a while of sitting in really awkward silence Mario stood up and clapped his hands together. "So if-a what you're saying is true then Luigi's my a-brother."

"Yes, he is. All of what I said is true whether you believe it or not. Now if you will excuse me I will be going back home now. It has been far too long since I've returned. I want to see my children. I bet they've grown so much. "

The stork spread it's wings and looked about ready to spring out the window when Mario stopped him. "Whoa there buster. You are just going to a-leave us with a-that?!"

The stork stopped and looked back at the two brothers. "What more do you want me to say?"

"I don't-a know! Give me some proof!"


"Yes! You expect me to believe that this is my a-brother?!"

The stork thought for a minute before perking up. He then reached underneath his wing and pulled out a picture. "Here," the stork gave the photo to Mario, "we always took pictures of the babies we delivered before taking off. This is the both of you together."

Mario's eyes widened as he looked at the picture in his hand. Luigi stood up to get a look too.

He was definitely surprised to say the least. There were two babies, nearly identical, side by side in bags. One had a red hat upon his head with a white circle and a red "M." The other was very close in his outfit but wore a green hat with an "L" on the front. In between the two was a much younger looking stork smiling at the camera holding his arms out. It almost made Luigi sad looking at the happy stork in the photo and comparing it to the one that stood in front of him.

Luigi couldn't believe it. Mario was his brother, his adopted brother's enemy was actually his real brother. This must have been why Kamek had tried to kidnap them both. I mean, Mario was always interfering with Bowser's plans. It only made sense.

Mario didn't know how to take this. It was strange, knowing that you have been fighting your own brother from the first time you met him. No, it was strange knowing you even had a brother. It was a lot for the guy to take in. Mario looked over to Luigi, he did have many similarities with him and he did always wonder where and why Kamek had gotten Luigi.

The stork waited for the two to finally accept the truth. He wished to see his family and friends again after so long. He wondered if they thought he was dead. Would they even recognize him? What if his wife had moved on? How have his children been doing? He couldn't wait to find all the answers he had been waiting years to find out. "So can I leave now?"

Mario looked up at the stork and nodded. The two brothers watched the stork take off into the sky.

Mario looked over to Luigi and asked, "So now what?"

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