Chapter 6

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Taehyung's POV

I woke up to a stinging pain.

I realized that this pain was coming from the back of my head.

I groaned and tried to open my eyes. It was not easy as the blinding lights of my room were making it harder for me.

Were these lights always like this? Why didn't I notice them before?

My idiotic thoughts went to the back of my head, when I finally opened my eyes fully.

But I didn't like the sight in front of me. AT ALL.

That girl was standing at the corner of my room. Her hands were raised defensively in front of her.

She was alert.

But I guess she knew it herself that even if there was a fight to take place between us, she wouldn't stand a chance.

And not even just me, she couldn't stand a chance against anyone  (considering her situation).

The events of before I fell into darkness, came flooding inside my mind.

I tried getting up but winced when the pain again greeted me.

Come on Taehyung. You are a fucking vampire for god's sake! Don't embarrass yourself further and get up, you lazy ass.

I again pushed my legs up, ignoring the pain that came from the back of my head.

Geez! How aggressively did she push me?

"Calm down"

I said as I made my way towards her. She did not relax a bit but tensed up even further.

"It's okay. I won't do anything to you."

I raised my hands to signal that I was not up to anything bad.

I walked closer to her and then only realized how terrified she actually was.

Her breathing had quickened. Her knuckles had turned white from her hard grip on her folded fists. There were goosebumps all over her arms. And her heart was beating abnormally fast.

I decided to step a little away from her. I don't think she would like me being close to her. Then again, who wants to be close to a vampire!

I took a deep breath and thought about what would calm this horribly frightened girl.

"Look, I know you can understand me. Just please listen to me, ok? I'm no danger to you, I mean it. When you fainted my arms, I brought you here. My hyungs treated you. And I'm assuring you, that we don't mean any harm to you."

Her fists loosened a little, but not completely. I guess I have to put more effort.

"You can look yourself. There are no new scratches or injuries on your body, right? We could have easily hurt you while you were unconscious but we didn't. Because we didn't want to. We just want you to recover, alright? I know you can't just trust us, but at least give us a chance."

She slowly put her hands back down and stood straight. But she was still hidden in the darkness the corner of the room provided.

"You can come out. I won't hurt you."

She slowly, very slowly made her way into the light of the room. She just stood there, not doing anything.

But from the look in her eyes, I sensed that she had a lot of questions. And even a little curiosity.

I sensed that she wanted to look around. She wanted to examine her new surroundings.

But she didn't dare look away from me.

Maybe she was worried that while she gives into her curiosity, I may bite or injure her.

After a long silence, I decided to break it.

"What's your name?"


"Do you know it?"

She gulped at my question which I assumed as a yes. I guess she doesn't want to talk. Not right now.

"Look if you don't tell me your name, how will I address you?"

I was agitated but didn't show it. I didn't want to terrify her more than she already was.

"If you don't want to say it, can you write it?"

I spoke in a gentle voice and went to grab a pen and paper.


I gave it to her. She slowly took it from my hands and wrote whatever her name was.

She handed it to me when she was done writing.

I saw the name written on it and my lips automatically lifted in a smile.



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