Chapter 25

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Taehyung POV

Mm! Jajangmyeon.

Wait! Where are my chopsticks?

What the hell? Why are my chopsticks floating on the water?

No no. Don't go away.

No. My chopsticks!

My eyes flew open and sat up straight. Wait. That was a dream!?
I can't even have my favourite noodles in my dream.

What a delight!

I was about to lay down when I heard a sound from outside. I narrowed my eyes and made my way out of my room.

I was carful as to not wake y/n up. I slowly made my way out of the tower and saw someone sitting by the edge of the pond.


Yoongi hyung turned around and nodded towards me. I walked closer and sat beside him.

"Did I wake you?"

"Um, I already got up after seeing this dream, so it's not your fault."

I gave him a reassuring smile.

"What are you doing so late at night?" I asked him.

"I couldn't sleep. Whenever I closed my eyes, that asshole's face came into my mind."

"The king?"

He scoffed.

"He doesn't even deserve to be a king let alone an emperor of this huge ass empire."

I gave him a small smile and turned my gaze to the pond.

"Oh yeah, I completely forgot. Here."

I turned my eyes back to him only to see him giving me my...........dagger.

"You took it from that man?"

He again scoffed.

"Of course. I can't let any stranger take, what belongs to my little brother. Plus I also killed him so...."

He said with the slightest hint of smile on his face.


"You should go back to sleep. It's too late."

I nodded and got up.

"Good night hyung."

"Hmm. You too."


Yoongi POV

"Ugh, I don't wanna go."

"Stop behaving like a child Tae. This is important."

"But what happened to the 'not going out' plan. People are still looking for the opportunity to kill us. I heard the disease is spreading rapidly. We should not..........."

I sighed annoyedly because of the loud bickering between Taehyung and Jin hyung. Can't they talk in a normal voice. Why the fuck do they have to shout!?

I looked up from my book when Jin hyung again started talking.

"You know they cant kill us. We can't just delay our work because of some mere human beings who only want to become smart by deciding to kill us."

"Oh come on!!"

"Kim Taehyung, don't test my patience. Now are you coming or not?"

Taehyung gulped timidly and nodded.

"Now Yoongi, can I trust you with y/n?"

I scoffed.

"She's not a baby that you need to trust me to be with her."

Jin hyung scoffed and left the tower with a whining Taehyung and a calm Namjoon.

I plopped down on the couch with the book which I was reading. Suddenly I heard Taehyung's room door open and footsteps coming my way.

In no time, our little guest was in front of me.

"What are you doing?"

"Can't you see?"

She frowned.

"What book is that?"

I rolled my eyes and said,

"Go back before I lose my temper."

She pursed her lips before again opening her mouth.

"Why do you hate me?"

"I don't hate me. I just don't like you."

"Isn't that the same?"

"No it isn't. When I say, I don't like you it just means that I don't give a fuck about you but when I say.........."

I stopped and narrowed my eyes when I saw her trying to hide her smile.

Suddenly realization hit me.

She was trying to indulge me in a conversation! I glared at her and said,

"Fuck off."

She furrowed her eyebrows before saying,


With that she turned around and went towards the kitchen. My eyes lingered on her far more than they should have.

I shook my head, tearing my gaze off her and back to my book.

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