Chapter 6.3

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Despite knowing this moment would come, Tai was extremely nervous, he looked at his twin and immediately noticed her sad look, as if she wanted to take his pain away, but she knew she could only offer her support.

"B-Brother" Takevu said "D-Did you do this to yourself?"

He looked towards them before slowly nodding.

"B-But why?" Hiroshi asked this time "What caused you to do this?"

He wished he could talk but the guilt seemed to make a knot on his throat, even if he was used to it, feeling his throat closing was one of the most unpleasant things he could experiment.

But he had to tell them one way or another, there was no going back.

"Safiya" He said quietly "Could you get me my notebook?"

She nodded and went towards his desk, grabbed his notebook and gave it to him.

He opened the first page and before showing it he said "You know that I'm not good at expressing myself, what you're going to see here are my memories and nightmares represented in drawings"

He hesitated for a moment before handing them the notebook.

The first drawing was the same he showed Safiya before, the three siblings wanted to ask but before they could, Tai made a signal for them to pass onto the next page.

They did and found a drawing of what seemed to be a him having a nightmare, on one hand, there was their father bleeding and laying on the ground and on the other there seemed to be a woman collapsing against the floor of the castle, they figured out it was Tai's and Safiya's mother, since they already knew the twins and them didn't share parents.

Passing to the next drawing, they were shocked when it showed Tai pressing a blade against his forearm, there was a sentence that said *I know what I'm doing is wrong, but I feel like I deserve it for being such a failure*.

Next page, next drawing, he was sitting with his arms slightly extended, both covered in red marks, the sentence was *The wounds hurt, but I feel relieved, I feel like for a moment everything is under control, but I know it won't last forever*.

They were dying to hear his explanation but they knew that showing his drawings was helping him in telling the difficult parts, so they continued, this time the drawing showed him on a hospital bed, the sentence dictated *I can't believe that I wanted to leave, yes, I want to see my parents and sister again, but I don't think it's worth the damage I would cause*

"Go to the next page" Tai said "I promise it will be the last, then, I will explain everything"

So they did, the last drawing was him in what seemed to be an office and there was a man taking notes on a paper *The psychologist has diagnosed me with Survivors Syndrome, honestly, I don't know what's going to happen, but I believe that, as long as I have someone by my side I'm going to be okay, I hope*

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