Chapter 7: Meeting A Member

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You lay in bed and soon your alarm on your phone would go off. "Damn it," you said.

You grab your phone and turn off the alarm. Looking at it, you notice a notification from your crime app.

Reading it, you were shocked that a bunch of animal theme criminals attacked Oscorp.

"What the hell is going on?!" You asked.

Suddenly, your phone started ringing. "Gwen, " you said before answering.

"Y/N! Y/N!" She shouted. "Did you see what the hell happened?!"

"I did, " you answered. "It's insane."

"I don't understand it."

"I do, " you replied. "These guys are attackin' at night when we're not out."

"What are we goin' to do?" She asked you.

"I'm not sure, " you answered honestly. "I'll try to come up with something."

"Gotcha, talk to you later."

"See ya, " you said before hanging up.

You get out of bed and get yourself together. Once you had your clothes on, you grab four little projects you have been working on and put them in your backpack.

After that, you walk out of your room and brush your teeth. Entering the living room, you hear your aunt shout "Y/N!"

"Yeah Aunt May?" You yelled back.

"Come look at this, " she told you.

You walk over to her and see the tv. Looking at it, you see the six people who attacked Oscorp last night.

"Why does one of them have a fishbowl on their head?" You asked.

"I don't know, but this is terrifying, " she told you. "Why isn't Spiderman and Ghost-Spider doing anything?"

"Don't worry Aunt May, " you told her. "I have a feelin' that they're gonna do something about it."

"I hope that you're right, " she told you.

"Me too, " you said back.

You make yourself a quick bowl of cereal and run out of the house. Instead of taking the bus, you decide to web sling since it was faster.

You, of course, put on your hero suit stop any crime that may have happened.

On your way to school, nothing happened and you made it to school on time for once.

A Few Hours Later...

You sit down at a lunch table by yourself until Gwen comes sets her tray down.



"I got something I need to show you, " you told her while reaching into your backpack.

"What is it?" She asked.

You pull out four web shooters and hand two of them to her. "There you go, " you told her.

"Web shooters, " you answered. "With these, we won't have to press down on our own wrists as much. Just a simple tap and it'll easily set out our webs."

"Nice, " she replied. "Now, what are we goin' to do about the villains?"

"We're gonna have to stay up at night," you told her.

"Oh my God, why didn't I think of that?" She asked sarcastically.

You tell her "what we're going need to do is to adopt the uberman sleep schedule."

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