Chapter 16: Another Down

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A loud breath could be heard from within the office of the Lizard. Mysterio walked down the hall down to his office knowing the anger being stirred within his boss. He places a hand on the door and slowly opens it.

Once it was fully opened, a chair was thrown at him. Mysterio destroys it before the chair got to him. The Lizard angrily comes in after Mysterio, grabs him by the stomach, and slams him against a wall.

Mysterio showed no sense of fear or anger when his boss did this. The Lizard looks at him while breathing angrily and visually shaking with anger. "I sense that you're upset," Mysterio said.

"Every single one of you has wasted my time. None of you have done anything to help besides fight Spider-Man and get sent to jail!!!" Lizard retorted. "And just by ONE OF THEM!!!!! NOT THE PAIR, ONLY ONE!!!!!!!!"

"All true," Mysterio said.

"Then... I should just kill you... INSTEAD OF BEING DISAPPOINTED AGAIN!!!!" Lizard screamed.

"Why so serious?" asked Mysterio. "Before you go through with killing me, I suggest that you don't."

"Why not?" asked the angry beast.

"Because what you got to lose? I could go after Spider-Man and attempt to kill him. I could go through with that while you go after Norman. If I fail, I fail. Even if I do, the spider will be tired and you will have a much easier time dealing with the arachnid," Mysterio told him.

The Lizard puts his head down and looked as if he lost himself in thought. Mysterio knew not to say anything or else it would end up with death. Suddenly, Lizard turns to his left while holding the smart man in his hand.

He proceeds to toss him down the hall and Mysterio slams against the wall. He slides down it with his back in great pain, but he didn't show it to the wild beast that was on the other side of the hall.

"Go, and do whatever you can to kill the spider. Do literally anything. I do not care. JUST DO SOMETHING!!!" Lizard screamed.

"Yes, sir," Mysterio said while taking a knee.

The Lizard runs off in a different direction and is on his way to get Norman back and finally achieve revenge. Mysterio slowly stands up and says "I will do my best."

Later, Y/N was in his Spiderman uniform swinging around from building to building. He plans on top of a building and looks around to find any crime that may be happening. He had a lot more time to work as a hero due to his school getting destroyed. He was still working on his education, but the school needed to figure things out first.

In the meantime, he used all the freedom he had to help New York and stop the villains from harming it. He kept swinging and got a phone call from his aunt May. Picking it up, he asked "yeah?"

"Hi, Y/N, how is studying at the library going?" she asked him.

"It's going well. I bet I'm going to be able to graduate early at the rate I'm going," he told her.

"That's so great. I'm happy to hear that," she retorted.

"I'm glad you are. I just wish uncle Ben could be here," he replied.

"We all do. But he's gone, to no one's fault, may I add, and there's nothing we can do about it besides continuing on with our life," she told him.

"You're right. Sorry for bringing it up," he said.

"It's ok. Just keep doing your best and make Ben proud, even though he isn't here," she replied.

"Will do. Talk to you later and I love you."

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