Chapter 17: Keep Fighting

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It hasn't even been an hour since Y/N took down Mysterio. He was swinging through New York in search of the Lizard. "We end things now and forever. I don't care what I have to do. I swear on my very own name that I will defeat you," Y/N thought.

Despite the mask, anyone could easily tell the anger within the teenage superhero. It was damn near palpable. The citizens look up to the hero that has been keeping them safe from the villains that wish to hurt them.

They all knew that wasn't was off. While not many thought it, they picked up on it and understood that he was heading into battle. A battle that could very well be his last if he isn't careful enough.

Y/N swung and swung and swung until landing on a roof. He looked forward and saw the penthouse that Norman lives in. "Please be safe," Y/N said before hearing a roaring sound beneath him.

Y/N jumps with his spidey sense going off. He hears the sounds of things getting smashed and people screaming at the top of their lungs. Y/N looks down and rushes over to where he hears the chaos.

He jumps off the roof and sees the Lizard trucking through the roof while pushing cars out of the way. The Lizard picks up an empty car and tosses it behind himself. Y/N jumps in fires a web at the car and sent it right back at the Lizard.

It explodes and stops the Lizard as he knew that his enemy was there. Y/N lands on the street that Lizard destroyed. The humanoid monster turns around and pushes the smoke out of the way.

"Well, well, well, here we are," said the Lizard.

"Here we are indeed," Y/N said. "You're the leader of the Sinister Six. You're the sack of shit that has caused all of this mayhem."

"Aw, you're going to make me blush," Lizard told him.

"Oh, blood is gonna rush to your face. BUT ONLY AFTER I'M DONE PUNCHING IT!!!!!!!!!!" Y/N screamed before dashing in and punching his enemy across the face.

The Lizard eats the punch and looks at Y/N, unamused. He attacks, but thanks to Y/N's spidey sense, he managed to jump back and avoid it. "I've studied you. I know how to defeat you, Y/N!" Lizard told him.

"You know my name, huh?" Y/N questioned.

"I know everything I need to know about you, Parker," he said with a familiar voice.

"As do I, Connors," Y/N retorted.

The Lizard was taken aback by Y/N saying this. "How do you know?" he asked him.

"Please, it's obvious. You got fired, didn't come to class for days, was acting weird when you did come to class. And then you randomly came back to school just when the Rhino came in and destroyed it. And you managed to survive that whole encounter. Please, don't insult my intelligence, you fucking monster," he told the Lizard.

"Hehe, you always was smart," the Lizard replied.

"And I'm smart enough to know that you have to be taken down," Y/N said.

"As much as I would hate to hurt a student I loved so much, I have to if it means that you'll get in my way," he told Y/N.

"And if you'll get in my way, I'll pluck you!!" Y/N said before jumping into the air.

The Lizard sticks his hands into the ground and tosses a large chunk of the street he managed to collect. Seeing it coming at him and his spidey sense going off, Y/N fires his webs at it, spins around, and tosses it back at the Lizard.

The Lizard launches himself at it and smashes the object into a million pieces. He kept going damn near punched his former student but Y/N managed to pull his head back. The hero grabs Lizard's arm and tosses him to the ground, cracking it.

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