Chapter 11: Confession

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5:47 am Saturday.

Y/N lays awake in his with his eyes wide open with guilt keeping them that way. The young man stares at the ceiling of his room. 

"How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How?" The young superhero repeated before slamming his fist onto the bed. "HOW AM I GOIN' TO TELL HER?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"

He digs his face into a pillow. "Gwen, Uncle Ben, Mrs. Stacy," Y/N muffled into the pillow with tears coming out of his eyes. "I'm so sorry..."

Y/N pulls his face out of his tear-soaked pillow. Through tears, the young man says "I'm so sorry Uncle Ben!!! I'm sorry for bein' so selfish, I'm sorry for bein' horrible to you before you died, I'm for gettin' you killed!!!!! I'M SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Y/N slams his fist onto the bed. "I'm sorry Mrs. Stacy for gettin' you killed as well. Even though I didn't even know you, I'm still sorry. I'm sorry for takin' you away from your husband and daughter."

Y/N lifts his fist off the bed. "And Gwen..." he said as more tears rolled down his face. "I'm sorry for takin' your mother away from you. I'm sorry for all of this. Gwen, I love you so much. I just hope that you'll forgive me."

Y/N flips his pillow and lays back down. "I need some sleep if I'm goin' to have the energy to tell Gwen tomorrow."

Y/N shuts his eyes and manages to fall asleep. Soon, he woke up and saw a dim light coming through his window blinds. 

He grabs his phone and sees that it says 11:27 am. Along with that, there was a text from Gwen reading "Good morning!"

Y/N sits up and texts back "good morning."

Not soon after, Gwen texted "how did you sleep, babe?"

"Fine" Y/N replied. "I guess."

"What do you mean?"

"I had struggle sleeping."

"What was the problem?"


"Oh, I see."

"Are we still good for today?"

"Of course. Wanna meet right now?"

"I'm going to get ready. I'll see you in a few."


Y/N puts his phone down and slowly gets out of bed.  His heart began to hurt. "Damn it," he said while placing his hand on his chest. "How am I goin' to do this?"

Y/N lays back down in bed and he feels like something was pushing him down. "C'mon, I got to do this," he said to himself. "I can't live with the guilt."

Y/N slowly sat up. Throwing his blanket off, he placed his feet on the wooden floor of his room. Now he pushed himself the bed and stood up. 

Nothing is going to stop me. Y/N left his room and walked to the bathroom. After brushing his teeth, he walked back into his room to get dressed. 

After getting what he felt would be good to wear on, he walked into the kitchen and saw aunt May cooking. 

"Y/N, you're up," she said excitedly. 

"Yeah..." he replied in a melancholy voice.

"Are you ok?" she questioned him.

"Y-yeah," he retorted. "Why'd you ask?"

"Well, it's the way you sound. There's almost no emotion in it," she told him. "Plus you look like death."

Y/N didn't know what to say to what his aunt just said. So he just shrugged and scratched the back of his head. 

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