Chapter 12: All in the Mind

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12:34 am. Sunday. 

Y/N was swinging through New York City and making sure that it was safe. He landed on a building and said "I can't just stay home and cry. I got to do something and protect this city."

"Cryin' like a bitch, huh?" A feminine voice asked him.

Y/N turned around and saw Ghost-Spider. "G-Gwen?" Y/N questioned.

"Ghost-Spider, you idiot," she retorted. 

"R-right," he responded. "What are you doin' here?"

"What? I can't be out here?" Ghost-Spider asked in an irritated tone. 

"What? No! I just mean-"

"Just shut up," Ghost-Spider told him.

Y/N sighs while looking at her. "Gwen, list-"

"GHOST-SPIDER!!!" She snapped. "Get it through your thick head!!"

"Alright, I'm sorry," Y/N replied. "Can I please talk with Gwen?"

"Sure, actually, she got something to say to you," Ghost-Spider told him. 

"That being?"

Gwen gets up in Y/N's face and tells him "listen here and listen good. We're done! Our relationship is over for good! But that doesn't change the relationship between Ghost-Spider and Spiderman. They're goin' to keep workin' together, but our relationship is done completely."

"Gwen, please, I'm sorry for what I've done," he tried to tell her.

"I know that," she retorted. "But I just don't care. Now shut up and let Spiderman take over now."

Y/N wanted to say something else. But he knew it would only fall onto deaf ears. He couldn't do anything besides listen to what aunt May told him. Just give her time and hopefully, she'll forgive him. 

"Alright, let's do this, Ghost-Spider," Y/N said. 

The two spider heroes jump off the roof and web-sling across the city; trying to stop crime wherever it happens. While doing so, Scorpion and Mysterio watches them from the distance and looked at each other. With a simple nod to each other, they were off. 

A Few Minutes Later...

Y/N and Ghost-Spider had already taken care of a few criminals already. Stopped a mugging, robbery, and even a drug deal. Everything was going fine between the two teen heroes besides the air feeling tense when they get close. 

All was well as they web-sling through the tall buildings. That is until poison comes speeding at Y/N as he jumped off his last web. It barely just misses him and Ghost-Spider screams "Spiderman!!"

He began falling to the ground but shot a web and landed on a nearby building. Ghost-Spider landed next to him and asked "what the hell was that?" 

"I don't KNOW!!!!" Y/N screamed as a sudden green energy blast was shot towards them. 

Both of them looked around and saw Mysterio floating in the air. "We meet again, Spiderman."

"We sure do, Fishbowl Head, Y/N replied. 

"I have no patience for your humor," Mysterio said before firing another blast. 

Both Ghost-Spider and Y/N jump off the building and launched themselves into the air. Without talking or even looking at each other, the two young heroes already knew what to do, in order, to take down the mysterious villain. 

Y/N was going to come in with a web sling kick while Ghost-Spider was going to fire her webs and herself towards him to deliver a punch. Unfortunately, as Y/N was making his way towards Mysterio, Scorpion came in and tackled him out of the air.

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