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Y/N groans loudly as he lays in his bed. “I should have not done any of that,” he said reflecting on his fight with the Lizard. 

“You’re telling me,” Aunt May said opening the door with a glass of orange juice. She walks over to him and places it on a desk near his bed. 

“Thank you,” he told her. 

“You’re welcome. And I can’t believe that you are Spider-Man,” she replied. 

“I’m sorry for not telling you earlier but I never wanted you to worry,” he told her. 

“I understand,” she retorted. “But I know now and I couldn’t be any more proud. And I’m sure Ben is proud too.” 

“I hope he is. He is what kept me going with this hero life,” Y/N responded. 

“You’re so much like him,” May commented. “Hell, I’m pretty sure that he would have kept it a secret from me as well if he was bitten by a spider that gave him these powers.” 

Y/N laughs a little. “I wouldn’t be surprised if he did,” he retorted. 

“I still don’t understand how you shoot webs out of your wrist and not your bum,” she said. 

“I don’t understand it either but I am so damn happy that I am not shooting webs out of my butt,” Y/N replied while looking at his wrists. 

“Honestly, same,” she retorted. 

The sound of three knocks at the front door echo throughout the house. “Hmm?” May responded to the knocks. 

“Who’s there?” Y/N questioned. 

“I’ll go and see,” May said before standing up and walking to the front door. 

She leaves the room and closes the door behind her. Y/N takes a deep breath in and lets it out. He places his hands to the side of him and slowly pushes himself up so he can sit up instead of lay on his back. 

He turns to his orange juice and grabs it. As he slowly brings the drink to his mouth, he thinks about his life. A single spider bite led to all of this. From him gaining powers to his uncle dying, to him dating and breaking up with Gwen, and him fighting super villains. 

It all seemed impossible to believe and if he hadn’t lived through it, he wouldn’t for even a single second would have believed any of this had happened. But he was glad and sad that it had happened. He was able to keep his city safe and carry his uncle’s wishes and see them through and he would continue to do both. 

He took a rather big gulp of his juice and places it aside. As he sat there, he thought about what if he was never bitten by that spider. Would any of this still have happened? Would the city continue to go on like normal with no issues? 

Or would he have been powerless to stop any of it and the city would have gone to hell? These were questions that he was admittedly glad to never have an answer to. Right now, he wouldn’t have any more time to wonder as there were knocks at his door. 

He looks at his door a little confused and said “come in.” 

The door opens and a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes enters. Y/N eyes widen as he sees Gwen enter his room. “G-G-Gwen,” he said, shocked to see her again. “Not to be rude, but what are you doing here?” 

“To see you,” she answered while closing the door behind herself. 

“I thought I would have been the last person you would want to see,” he retorted. 

“You used to be. But not anymore,” she told him. 

“What do you mean?” he asked his ex-lover. 

“After taking a lot of time away from you, I understand how I feel,” she answered. “When my mother died, I was filled with so much rage that I couldn’t handle it. And when you told me that you could have stopped my mother’s killer, it only added fuel to the fire. But now, that fire has extinguished.” 

“You mean?”

“I mean, I forgive you,” she told him. 

“That makes me happy to hear,” he replies. “I am so angry with myself for making you so angry and I would have understood if you had never forgiven me. I really did care about that and hated that I caused you that much pain. And hearing that you are over that pain and anger towards me, fills my heart with joy.” 

Gwen walks over to him and kneels beside his bed. She takes one of her hands and places it on one of his cheeks. He smiles and so does she. He leans his face into her hand as she says “good.”

She takes her other hand and places it on his face. And slowly moves her face towards his. Y/N shuts his eyes and got his lips ready and so does she. Their lips connect and they kiss once again. 

Y/N had missed this. The feeling of kissing Gwen was something that he had forgotten about and was so, so happy to experience it again. Now that the issues between them are resolved, Y/N can experience again, and again, and again. 

Five years later, Y/N and Gwen are moving a table into an apartment together. “Does this look good?” he asked her. 

“Yeah, it looks fine,” she told him. They place the table down and Gwen looks around the apartment. “Yeah, that looks good,” Gwen said. 

“I have to agree,” Y/N replied. 

He walked to his girl and places his hands on her hips. And wraps her arms around his neck and looks up at him and he tells her “I love you.” 

“I love you too,” she replied before kissing him. 

It has been five years since they got back together and they still are together. Both of them couldn’t be any happier as now they were moving in together and hopefully, one day would marry, but as far as this young couple was concerned, that won’t be for a while. 

They stop kissing and Y/N looks around. “I can’t wait to get more stuff into this place,” he said. 

“Me either,” she replied. 

“And I’m glad I’m with you instead of my ex,” he said without thinking about it. 

“Ex?” Gwen questioned. 

“I never told you about my ex?” he inquired. 

“Nope,” she answered. “And now I wanna know.” 

“Well, she wasn’t a bad person and things ended just fine. I’m just glad I met you and with you now,” he replied. 

“Alrighty,” she retorted. 

"She was a good girl but we decided to end things when my family moved," he told her. 

"Ah, I see," Gwen responded. "What was her name?" 

"Oh, her name?" He inquired. "I believe if I remember correctly, her name was Felicia Hardy." 

Elsewhere in the distance, a meteor soars through the sky and began heading for earth. Upon entering Earth's atmosphere, it began to burn up and fall at a rapid rate until finally crash landing on the planet. 

Once it had finally landed, something inside of it moved. It wanted to be freed from within it. It began to fight to break out and eventually, it achieved its goal. 

A black, almost slim substance comes with a brand new goal. One that won't be known, for years. 

Word Count: 1242

Author: this story has been a lot of fun to write. You honestly have no idea how much I have enjoyed writing it and seeing how much you reading it.

Over 1 year. Honestly insane. I'm glad you all took the time out of your day to read this fanfic. And I would like to say thank you.

This is the end of this book. And I will see all of you, in the sequel (the date is undetermined of when the sequel will come out).


The sequel is out now. Check my profile for The Heroic Lovers!

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