Chapter 2: New Found Power

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It was late at night in Dr. Curt Connors's lab. His hair was messed up as he kept grabbing and pulling it.

His assistance says "Doctor Connors."

"WHAT?!" Connors replied.

"Sir, you need to calm down, " his assistant told him.

"I can't calm down!!" Connors replied. "If I don't come up with something soon, then Osborn will pull our funding!"

"Sir, I understand that, but it's not the end if he does, " his assistant told him.

Connors looks at him with pure rage in his eyes. "Get out, " Connors demanded.


"GET OUT!!!!!!!!!" Connors screamed.

Immediately, his assistant walks out of the room. Connors proceeds to slam his fists on a desk.

"What am I going to do? What am I going to do?! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" Connors yelled out loud.

He looks at a test tube full of lizard DNA. Grabbing it, Connors said, "if Norman wants results, he'll get results!!!!"

He pours the DNA into a syringe and rolls up his sleeve. "This HAS to work!" Connors said.

He shoves the syringe into one of his veins and injects himself with the DNA.

"GGGAAAAAA!!!!!" He screamed before falling to the ground.

He continues to scream and scream and scream. With each one becoming more beastly after the other.

Hearing these screams, his assistant comes running back into the room. "Doctor Connors?!" He held.

He slowly walks deeper into the room and gets to Connors's desk. "Doctor Connors?" He asked.

He doesn't see Connors, but he hears growling behind him. Slowly, he turns around and doesn't see Dr. Curtis Connors.

"Doctor Connors!!!!" Were the last words that he said

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"Doctor Connors!!!!" Were the last words that he said.

The Day Next...

You wake up in the morning feeling different. You grab your head since it was pounding.

Eventually, it begins to feel better and you try to pull your hand away. But, it didn't happen.

"The hell?" You said.

You keep pulling your hand away but you failed again. You pull harder, and harder, and harder!

Finally, you got your hand off your forehead. "Finally, " you said while standing up.

While standing, you notice something else. You weren't wearing glasses and your vision was clear.

You grab your glasses and put them on, but your vision was screwed up. "What the hell?" You said.

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