Chapter 1: Reaping Day (Birch Pov)

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I got up and immediately felt nervous. Today was the dreaded day. The day everyone fears. The day where your life could end, become harder, or stay the same with either more worry or less worry.

Today, was Reaping Day. I sat on the edge of my bed and breathed out through my nose. I got up and walked over to my twin sisters room. I looked at her sleeping body moving up and down with each breath she took. I smiled to myself.

She was lucky. She got into the training school. I did too, but no one liked me. Everyone looked at me like I was from District 12, not District 2. She got amazing grades. I did ok, but I was far from the best.

I looked at my sister closely. Clove. Such a pretty name. Her long brown hair was spread across her pillow. Her hand on the hilt of the dagger she kept on her bedside table. I vowed when we turned 12 that if she ever got reaped, I would volunteer. I know she would probably do the same, but I would never let her.

I cleared my throat. She sturred a bit, but not a lot. I carefully walked over to her. I slowly and carefully moved her dagger out from under her hand. I stood up and smirked. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. As soon as I counted down to 1, she bolted up and looked at me, ready to fight.

"Oh. Birch. It's just you. Don't ever do that again. And give me my dagger! I need it! Please?" Clove begged me. I laughed a little and gave it back to her.

"Come on Clove. We gotta get ready. Mom's gonna be up her any minute. Let's go. And brush your hair. It's making you look like a monster. It's today, and Mom's freaking out. I can tell. Besides, I have a bad feeling about today," I said over my shoulder while walking out of her room and downstairs.

Clove came downstairs after a few minutes. I smiled nervously at her. We quickly and quietly ate breakfast with our parents. Mom was a wreck. Dad wasn't paying attention, as usual. He was reading the paper. Mom was stating at us with a sad look in her eyes.

"Girls, whatever happens, I want you to know that I love you. I love you both so much. I will always be proud of you. No matter what happens. No matter who gets reaped or who volunteers, you will always be my girls. I love you both so much," Mom says with a few tears running down her cheeks.

I nodded. I finished my toast and put my plate away after washing it. I ran back upstairs and grabbed my reaping day clothes. I ran to the bathroom before Clove. I laughed when I heard her groan in frustration.

I quickly shower. I step out of the shower and turn off the water. I dry off my body and face. I quickly wrap a towel around myself and grab my clothes. I place a hand on my towel and walk out of the bathroom and go up to my room.

I got dressed quickly. I brushed my hair and then quickly blow dried it. I put it up in a messy bun. I did my makeup. I didn't wear it often, but when I did, it was somehow perfect. I took one last look in the mirror at my self.

I nodded. I went downstairs. Mom saw me and she smiled. I smiled back. I was nervous, but I couldn't show it. I hugged her and rubbed her back. "It's gonna be ok Mom. I promise. It's gonna be ok. Nothing's gonna happen. I promise," I whispered in her ear. She nodded.

I let go. "You feel it too don't you hun?" Mom asked me. I nodded and felt tears in my eyes. I quickly blinked them back. I stood next to her. She had an arm wrapped around my waist.

"I remember everything like it was yesterday. It's crazy. It was 13 years ago that you and Clove were born. I can't believe it. It's just so-" I cut Mom off by holding a hand up.

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