She Said (Cato PoV)

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She-she said it. And I should feel like the happiest guy on Earth, but I don't. If she doesn't make it back, then, my first love, I won't ever see her again. I won't get to tell her in person. And I want to tell her. I need to tell her. But I can't. I can't tell her. Unless-

I stand up and bolt to the door. Clove looks at me. I ignore her and run out the door screaming, "I'll be back in a little bit! I'll be fine! I need to make a call!"

I sprint to the mayor's house and pound on his door. He opens it and smiles when he sees me. "Cato! What a pleasant surprise! What can I help you with?" Panting, I answer him. "I need to use your phone. Please! It's an emergency."

He moves out of the way and points me to it. I pick it up and ask to speak to the mentors. Enobaria answers and she sounds surprised. "I'm sorry, you want me to do what? For some little puppy love? I-I-I dunno Cato. It's a good idea, but, will it work?"

I nod. "Yeah. It will. I know her. I know it'll help. It'll work, trust me. I just need you to do it. Please," I whisper, hoping.

She sighs. "Yeah. I'll do it. What do you want on the paper? I'll have it in your name already, just what do you want on it?"

I answer immediately. "Birch, don't give up. I hope you know that I love you. I love you more than you'll ever know. Fight through this. You can do it. I know you can. I'm waiting here for you. At home. With Clove. And I can't wait to see you, fight for this. Please. I love you, Cato."

Enobaria sniffles. "Ok. I got it. Thank you. I'll send that as soon as I can. I promise. Go get some sleep. Watch the Games, maybe. Just, do something to, I don't know, just go do something kid. Bye."

She hangs up and I walk back to Birch's house. I open the door quietly and close it softly. I make my way back to the couch and freeze up. I stare at the screen, not blinking.

My breath gets caught in my throat. Someone has a knife to Marble's throat. And Marble's pushing Birch up against a tree with his back to protect her. If they get him, she-

I watch the screen intently. The tribute is quickly tackled to the side by another tribute. They start wrestling and fighting. Near the edge of the cliff. I don't think either of them notice though.

Marble unfreezes and runs over, making it almost impossible for them to go anywhere except closer to the edge of the cliff. One of them overestimates how far away the edge of the cliff is, the other tribute pushes them off backwards and, as the one is falling, they grab the other by the ankle, bringing them down with them.

BOOM! BOOM! Two cannon shots fire. Birch covers her eyes and Marble yanks her to the cave, pushing her inside it to protect her. He looks her in the eyes and says goodbye to her before running off to take care of a tribute standing in the shadows, frozen in shock.

It's one of the two girls that teamed up. Her partner went tumbling over the cliff. And Marble runs towards her, spear raised and ready to throw. He throws it and she gasps in surprise, right before her eyes roll back in her head and she falls to the ground as another cannon fires.

The District 3 male, Nick, comes out of no where and tackles Marble, stabbing him with a knife. I assume he thinks Marble stole his supplies. Marble rolls over on top of Nick and, in a desperate attempt to take Marble down with him, he rolls to the side and off the cliff, Marble not being able to escape.

BOOM! BOOM! Birch gasps and covers her eyes for a few minutes. I count quietly on my fingers. 5 gone, 5 left. Birch, obviously, and, the Careers, Diamond and Jonathan from 1, and Coral and Shark from District 4. The Gamemakers will make them come together. Soon...

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