Chapter 16: The Panther (Cato PoV)

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      I zone out. At least, until it focuses on Birch and Marble again. I can't see her and I start to panic. The cameras switch angles and I breathe a sigh of relief. Until, that is, I see the Panther behind her. She doesn't notice it. And I want to scream at her to run, but even if she did, it could easily catch up.
      It moves forward and a twig snaps. She snaps her head up and sees something. It takes me a minute to realize what it is. Another tribute. But, it hasn't noticed the Panther either.
       She grabs her knife. She swiftly turns around. She sees him. He doesn't notice her. Only Marble. This kids gonna make a mistake. And a big one. Marble sees him and swiftly tosses his spear, it lands in his shoulder.
       He screams and falls to the ground. The panther growls and bounds to the fallen tribute. It snarls and Birch's eyes widen. She starts breathing faster. You can look at her and see. I want to, need to be there. With her. Comforting her.
        Holding her. Soothing her. Making her smile. And laugh. And be as happy as she can be right now. To hug her. To tell her it's all gonna be ok. And fine. And we're all safe. And good. And strong. And we need her.
       I reach out and try to touch the tv. I try to touch her. My fingers graze the screen. I scream when I remember she can't hear me. Can't see me. Can't feel me. I crumple to the floor, sobbing. I just want her back. I need her back.
      I need my Birch back. I hug my knees to my chest. Clove tries to put a hand on my shoulder but I yank myself away from her. I sit on the floor and watch the screen, tears streaming down my face. I see something out of the corner of my eye.
      I see another animal. The panther runs off with the tribute and the animal follows it. It looks like a lion. This isn't gonna be good. I shudder at all the possibilities. I watch as Marble sprints over to Birch and puts his hands on her shoulders.
      She isn't answering him. He shakes her shoulders roughly and she looks at him. He hugs her and she hugs him back tightly. "That could have been me. I didn't even notice it. I could have been the one who it took. I wasn't ready. I wasn't prepared. I should've at least been taken. Killed at most," she says, her voice cracking.
       Marble shakes his head and pulls away from their hug. He looks her in the eyes. "No. That was my fault. I didn't even look to see for anything. I'm supposed to protect you. If it had gotten you," he shudders. "I would've broken my promise. To Clove. To you. To Cato."
      Tears fall from her eyes at my name. I want to hug her. She hugs herself. "I wish I was never here. Never in the games," she murmurs. "I just want to go home. And be with Cato," she whispers. "I need him. I need him Marble. I," she pauses. "I think I love him."

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