Chapter 10: The Games (Cato PoV)

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I sat back and watched as Birch took off. She made it to the pile she had been looking at, but two other people where coming. She didn't notice until the one until she whirled around and kneed him.
I oohed with everyone else. She ducked to avoid a spear. She looked at him. He started screaming. She looked like she was going to cry. I didn't even realize it, but I stood up and walked over to the tv and tried to hug her.
There was a cannon. I wasn't looking and I sobbed, crumpling to my knees, thinking that it could've been Birch. Clove walked over and crouched down next to me. She helped me up and sat me back down on the couch. I cried and watched. I almost cried in relief when I saw Birch.
Except, that she had a knife above someone's heart. I wasn't scared for the person. My heart wasn't that sad for them, but my heart ached for Birch. She was so kind. So smart. So pretty. Too naive. Too innocent.
She was sobbing. You could tell. She was shaking her head. The other person, the District 5 girl, pushed the knife into her chest. The cannon went off. Birch pulled out the knife and crumpled to the ground, sobbing.
Marble ran by and stopped. He said something and put Birch on his back. She was sobbing. She stopped after a little bit. But when they stopped and Marble set her down, the cameras went to another group. The careers.
Diamond was obviously the leader. Coral and Shark trailed behind Diamond and Johnathan. Johnathan was obviously the tall, strong silent type. He stopped and started walking behind Coral, Diamond, and Shark. They stopped.
You could hear panting and sobbing. The camera changed. It was the District 12 girl, she somehow survived the Bloodbath. You could see the Careers. But, the girl was crying, so she couldn't. Diamond smirked. She walked over silently and Coral came with her.
They smiled and nodded at each other. Coral took some fishing line and wrapped it around her neck. She tightened it and the girl started choking. She was gagging and her face was changing color rapidly. The cannon went off and Coral kept the line there while Diamond stabbed her with a spear.
They high fived and walked away laughing. Shark smiled and so did Johnathan. They took her stuff and headed back to the Cornucopia. They got there and saw the tributes from 10, 11, and the boy from 12. They all took one on and they all got the boy from 10, he put up the most amount of a fight.
They set up a camp of sorts and enjoyed themselves. It was sick. How could they do this? After they killed people who didn't do anything? How? They're heartless! I may be cold and mean sometimes, but I would feel at least a little bit of remorse!
I watched the camera switch. It showed the District 7 female with the District 6 female. They were arguing about something. The one rolled her eyes and they laid down on the floor, backs to each other. The one sighed. "Look, Flower, I'm sorry. Now, can you please come here? I need you!" The District 6 female, Kia, says.
Flower nods. She rolls over and goes between Kia's arms. She looks up and kisses her nose. Kia giggles. "I'm sorry too Kia. I should've protected Oak better. He was my little brother! Now," she says, tears in her eyes. "He can't come home."
Kia nods and starts running a hand through Flower's hair. "I know. I'm so sorry. But," she says, leaning over Flower. "Now, you can win for him and spend time with me." Flower nods. "Yeah," she says. "I guess I can. Now, lay down. I want to stare at you," she says with a smile.
Kia giggles and listens. Clove awws and I try not to gag. I'm glad the cameras switch. The showed the District 8 tributes, already asleep. It skips to the males from 9 and 3. They are anxiously staring at the sky.
The Panem National Anthem comes on. It focuses on the sky. It starts with the District 3 female, Nelly. District 5 female, Victoria. District 5 male, Sherman. District 6 male, George. District 7 male, Oak. District 9 female, Kelly.
District 10 female, Paris. District 10 male, Caleb. District 11 female, Samantha. District 11 male, Newt. District 12 female, Teresa. And lastly, the District 12 male, Luke. I count, 12 tributes gone. 12 left. Birch is 12 steps closer to coming home. To Clove. To her mom. To her dad. To her family. To me. Just 11 steps left.
Marble will die for her. Clove made him promise that. I know that. Marble doesn't break his promises either. Trust me, I know. Except, he might tell her now. He might. He'll know that I want her to know. He's my best friend, of course he'll tell her.
I grimace. 2 of my best friends. Both other parts of me. One is my best friend and basically my brother. The other is my best friend and crush. And at least one of them isn't gonna make it out alive. Possibly both, considering that the careers are gonna want them both dead.
I whisper to Marble. "Tell her please. Please. Please tell her. I need you to. Tell her."

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