Chapter 11: First Night (Cato PoV)

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     I watched the screen intently. I watched as the District 9 male, Thomas, got up and grabbed most of the District 3 male's, Nick, supplies before running off. The camera's focus on the two girls again. I try not to gag, they're too lovey dovey. Besides, the fact that they're together in a place where they might have to kill each other is beyond me.
     That is the worst. Now, if it was Birch and I, that's different. But it isn't. I don't have a problem with them. I have a problem that this is how they met. How they fell in love. I have a problem with the Capitol and they way they treat the Districts and everyone in them.
      I know that District 2 doesn't have it that bad, but it still makes my blood boil. I watch. The cameras switch to the Careers. They're all snoring and sleeping heavily. They have their hands on their weapons, but that's it.
     District 8 is in the trees, jumping around the jungle. Smart, except that they don't know what's in the trees. It's the Hunger Games. There has to be something. I hear a shriek, a scream, something like an animal calling out to others. I hear more calls in the distance, and then a thump and a person groaning. I hear a bow being shot and a person jumping. I hear more groaning with some whimpering.
      I watch intently, hoping it's not Birch. I see the District 8 tributes. The female is on the ground. She's crying. I mean, she fell out of a tree. The male rushes over and helps her sit up. She leans into him. I see a shadow.
     They see it too late. She screams and something scratches her face. She falls back down to the ground. She's unconscious. The creature jumps into the moonlight. I gasp. It's beautiful. Deadly, but beautiful.
      It's a panther. It's black with smooth silky fur. It's sleek. It's long and tall. It's fast. It bounds to the male. He spins around, trying to find it. He's scared. You can see it.
      The panther jumps on his back and he falls to the ground. The panther swipes his bow off to the side and it goes under some leaves. His quiver is torn off his back. He screams and the panther claws his back before jumping off.
      It grabs his ankle and drags the screaming tribute under the underbrush, knocking the tribute out cold. I stare in awe. The female stirs a little and the cameras shift. I see Birch, asleep. Marble is on watch. He's holding a spear.
      He's sharpening it. I want to scream. I can't. No. No. No! This can't be it. This can't be the end! I pound my fists on the couch. I clench and unclench them. Birch opens her eyes slowly. She looks at Marble.
       She climbs out of the sleeping bag. She slowly stands up and walks over to him. She grabs her knives and some daggers. She says something to him and points to the sleeping bag. He nods and crawls inside, going to sleep.
        She looks at the camera and smiles. I smile softly. "Hey," we whisper at the same time. I laugh and she seems to smile bigger. "I miss you guys," she whispers. "Miss you too. A lot. I got your letters."
       "I miss you Cato. A lot. Clove, I'm always thinking about you. I can't wait to see you guys again. I can do it. There are only 12 left. I can do it!" She says confidently, leaning her head back on the tree before sitting up quickly.
       The leafs move. She stares and screams.

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