The Winner of The 73rd Hunger Games

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I stand in shock. I did it. I won. I did it. I did it. I did it. I did it. I did it. I won the 73rd Hunger Games! The shock continues even as I go to my interview with Ceaser.

I answer the questions and watch the footage on autopilot. I'm still processing my victory. I know how I did it. It doesn't fully hit me until right after my interview with Ceaser. Afterwards, I barf. And then go to sleep, well I try to sleep.

I 'wake up' the next morning and I'm quiet. My silence continues until Enobaria hands me a slip of paper. She looks at me with kind eyes and a proud but comforting smile. "It's from him," she whispers.

"I was gonna send it when I got a chance. But you didn't need the help. So I didn't get a chance too. I just thought you should have it. You did good Birch. And next year you get to mentor with me."

I smile wearily. I nod. "Yeah. Fun," she smiles a little more and walks away. I walk onto the train and stare at the wall. Once we reach District 2, I bounce up and run out of the train.

I propel myself forward. Clove is waiting for me with my family. I smile and hug her tightly, with tears in my eyes. She hugs me back and I hear her sniffle. I laugh and start crying.

"God Clove. You really had to make me cry too," she laughs at my words while crying. I laugh too. She hugs me even tighter. "I'm glad you're back. I missed you. Don't ever do that again."

I nod. Quickly hugging Mom and Dad, I look for him. He pushes his way through the crowd and I run to him. He picks me up in his strong arms and twirls me around while hugging me. We're both a hugging, sobbing, happy mess.

I don't care that people are watching. He slowly lowers me down to the ground, but I still don't let go, and neither does he. I look up at him. He looks into my eyes and he leans his head down to where our foreheads and noses are touching. I giggle a little and bite my lip.

He slowly cups my face in his hands and lifts my face up higher to him. I stand on my tiptoes and he kisses me softly. I smile and he rubs his nose against mine. I laugh and he smiles at me.

I hear everyone aww but I block them out. Cato kisses me again and I put my arms around his neck. "I missed you," I whisper once we break apart. He nods. "But not as much as I did."

I laugh a little. "So does this mean we're together?" He nods. I smile. "Good. That means I can do this," I say.

I lean towards him and he meets me halfway with his lips pressed against mine. I smile and he chuckles. We break apart, breathless. I touch my tingling lips and he smiles.

"I love you," he whispers in my ear, hugging me again. "I love you too," I whisper to him. "And I always have. I always will. Always and forever. Because now, we're together again."

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