Chapter 14: The Arena (Cato PoV)

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The cameras focused on Marble and Birch. I watched as he told her. I waited anxiously. Impatiently. Now, we just need her answer she quickly stutters. I watch as she changes the subject.
My heart stops fluttering like it had been. My heart cracks. She doesn't feel that way. And if she does, well then, not enough to say it. I feel tears in my eyes. My heart is broken. Maybe, just maybe, it'll be ok.
The cameras go to Ceaser and the other host. Their faces are in a look of hurt. "Wow. I feel bad for that Cato boy. Both Marble and Birch's best friend. And she just did that to him? She broke his heart. She doesn't deserve to win now, at least, in my opinion," the other host says.
I feel tears in my eyes. "No. No. NO! SHE DESERVES IT! She deserves to win. More than anyone else. Anyone ever. You know why? Because. Because she's smart, pretty, talented, amazing, funny, human, kind, helpful, caring, and most importantly, a person. No one deserves this. Especially not her," I can't help but whisper.
Ceaser looks at the other host. "Maybe, just maybe, she doesn't know how she feels. Or she thinks she isn't gonna make it out. So, she doesn't tell us because she doesn't think she can or should win. She probably doesn't want to break his heart if she doesn't come home. Did you ever think of that?"
He shakes his head. "I didn't. I am so sorry." Ceaser holds up his hand to shush him. "Don't apologize to me. Apologize to Cato, and everyone else who is rooting for Birch. And Birch and Cato. Now, on to our next task."
He straightens his papers on the desk. "The panther creature we saw last night? It struck again. This time, it took another male. The tribute from 3. Tough luck to him. The creature is specially designed by Capitol engineers, gamemakers, and biologists."
"It is a mix of a panther, a mutt, and a little something extra. It has the body and shape of a panther. But it also has the capabilities of a mutt, as well as a panther. The something extra gives it some extra leg strength. It's, you may have guessed it, a cheetah!"
"This creature is strong, fast, agile, silent, and, of course, deadly! It is known as The Panther. It could be the difference between life and death. The creature strikes at night. Patrolling the arena all day and all night. Watch out, or you could be the next victim!"
I stare at the model on the screen. It's a perfect killing machine. He moves onto the next creature. "This creature has the ability to shift and look like any tribute. Confusing, makes you question everything. The only tribute that it has fought and ran into yet, is Birch! She did the right thing, but it could've been handled faster and better. It is a mix between two creatures."
"A chameleon and a human. Interesting twist from the Gamemakers. The arena. Ah, the huge arena. A jungle, obviously. Now, the map should be right about, here!"
"In the West, we have the Cornucopia. In the North sector, we have a dense jungle. Very easy to hide. Very climbable. But also hard to find anyone. And things that are dangerous and deadly. In the East sector, we have a cliff face. On top of the cliff, there is flat land. Very easy to see everything."
"In the center, there is a temple. Home of the Panther. The Center. Very important. Very large. A lot of traps. But also, the most important part of the arena. In the South, we have a giant pit."
"As you have seen, our District 2 tributes, Birch and Marble, are on the edge. The pit is approximately 15 feet across. Very deep, impossible to climb out of. The tributes must be careful!"
"Now, back to the Games! What are the tributes doing now? What has happened? We'll find out!" Ceaser leans back and smiles at the camera.
I sit back and try to watch the Games. I can't focus. Knowing everything we need to know about the arena. I just can't. I'm too worried. Too on edge. I hope Birch is ok. Marble better protect her or else.

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