Chapter 3: The Parade (Birch Pov)

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I woke up in a train. I was confused, before I remembered what happened. I got up and went to the bathroom. As I was washing my hands, I looked in the mirror and I gasped. I looked horrible.
My eyes were red, puffy, and bloodshot from crying. I had makeup running down my face. My hair was a mess. My clothes were all wrinkled. I wet a washcloth and wiped all my makeup off. That helped a lot.
I took out my bun and brushed my hair. It wasn't that hard to brush through. I needed to look perfect. I let it go into it's natural waves. I went back into the room and pulled out a pair of black shorts and a black tank top. It's comfortable, and it looks like your ready for anything.
After I brushed my teeth, I went to the dining car. I heard voices in there. I listened to the conversation. "She's not gonna do anything. She's known all throughout District 2 as having bad grades and not being able to fight! There's no way she's gonna even make it to the top 20. She'll be dead by the first afternoon. Trust me," I heard the male tribute say.
I walked into the dining car and nodded curtly at the escort, my mentors, and the other tribute. I sat down and put my hands in my lap. I knew that I wouldn't eat anything. My stomach wouldn't be able to hold it down. But, I had to try to eat something. I grabbed a banana and ate it slowly.
Enobaria and Brutus looked at me. I ignored them. I heard someone clear their throat and looked up. Brutus jerked his head upwards. I understood immediately. I got up and stood with my hands at my sides.
Enobaria stood up and walked over. She ducked to look down at my face. She examined my arms and legs. She examined my face. She looked at my ribs. She looked everywhere. She grunted. "Looks good. Seems fast. Probably strong. Could throw. Quiet. Small. Lots of good qualities. I like her. Now," she turned to the other tribute. "Don't ever say anything like that about another tribute ever again. Unless they aren't a Career. Got it?"
He nodded in fear. She smiled and nodded, clearly pleased. She sat down. "Now, we are almost at the Capitol now. Listen to your stylists. Look good. Represent District 2. Show them what we are made out of," Enobaria said. I nodded.
Just then, it got dark. We all knew what that meant. We were in the tunnel. We all got up and walked to the windows. We started waving as soon as we see light again. I smile and wave. Sometimes laughing.
We are swallowed by darkness again. We are taken to where our stylists are going to be. The other tribute and I are taken in different directions. They have me shower and make some stupid remarks. One of the stylists helpers has red skin. It isn't like a soft sunset red either, no. It's a deep dark blood red. The other one has clear skin. That grosses me out. You can see through it. I have to resist the urge to vomit.
The final one has yellow skin. It's like a sunset yellow. It's kind of pretty. "What soft skin!" The red one exclaims. "So pretty. It's a shame you're so small! You would be prettier if you were bigger," the clear one added. The yellow one just smiled and said, "We must be going. Good luck!" They rushed away, leaving me alone in just a thin robe.
I was uncomfortable. I sighed and kept standing. The stylist walked in. He looked me up and down. He scoffed and took some measurements. I stood like a statue. He shook his head and left. The three weirdos came back. They helped me get dressed in my parade outfit, did my makeup, did my hair and put my shoes on.
My parade outfit was a dress that looked like a marble stone. The black and white marbling was beautiful. My shoes were black heels. My hair was half up and half down. It was held up by a clip that was also marbled in black and white. My long brown hair was kept the way it normally is. It had it's waves in it.
My makeup was simple. It was just a glittery white eyeshadow with black and white marbled lipstick. I felt kind of uncomfortable, but I knew that I looked amazing. The three stylists stepped back and gasped. The clear one looked so happy. The red one smiled and the yellow one said, "You look so pretty. District 2 has a definite victor this year!"
I smiled and thanked them. They led me out to the chariots. I was led to my district partner. He was in a black and white marbled suit. He looked good. He introduced me to the rest of the careers.
The District 1 girl was named Diamond. The District 1 male was named Johnathan. My District partner's name is Marble. Ironic, I know. The District 4 female is Coral. The District 4 male is Shark.
Diamond is drop dead gorgeous. She has long blonde hair and warm brown eyes, but I know she will kill mercilessly in the arena. Johnathan is more reserved. He has brown hair and green eyes. He looks dangerous.
Diamond is wearing a dress that has a lot of, no joke, diamonds in it. Her hair is in a beautiful braid. Johnathan is in a suit that looks like a diamond. He doesn't look too happy about it. Coral is in a coral pink dress with a pin that looks like coral pinning up her longish black hair. Her blue eyes look stunning. Shark is in a sea green suit. He has black hair that looks like a shark fin.
He has piercing sea green eyes. He's trying to flatter Diamond and I, but I know that his mentor, Finnick Odair, is telling him to do this. Finnick is the Capitol's golden boy. I don't trust any of them, except for maybe Coral. But, I have to act like I trust them.
We are helped up onto the chariots. The District 2 chariot is pulled by a black and a white horse. We are blinded by the bright sunlight. All I can hear is thunderous applause. I start waving and smiling. I keep smiling. My cheeks hurt so much.
It finally hits me. I'm snapped out of my daze. I can't believe it. I, Birch Kentwood, am in the 73rd Hunger Games.

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