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Hey guys! It's me! The author!

It's crazy. This is the last part of the fanfic, and it's not even really am actual part. Thank you for giving me this opportunity and letting me share my idea and my joy. I love doing this stuff so much! It means a lot to me.

I just wanted to give a special thanks to mbcherrywrites_ for being there and just kinda helping me realize that it's perfectly normal to feel empty after finishing a book. But, my biggest thanks definitely goes out to ReddieObviously thank you so so sooooo much!!

You always leave such positive messages and make me feel so special and happy! I'm so glad you enjoyed this fanfiction and you are one of the reasons I kept updating this! I am so grateful that you didn't give up on me and were there waiting for me to update and not being mad when I didn't update.

So thank you for not giving up and helping me feel confident in my writing. It means a lot.

Thank you for this amazing journey. I'm sad it has to come to an end, but maybe someday, someday, I'll write a sequel to this. This has helped me feel confident in my writing and myself. This has made me realize that people actually like my writing.

As for Cato and Birch, well, I imagine that Clove and Cato didn't get reaped/volunteer for the 74th Hunger Games because Birch has already been through a lot. I imagine that Cato moved in with Birch and Birch's family. I like to think that in the Revolution they were on Katniss' side. And they helped a lot. Birch was a Capitol favorite, and she was even in the 75th Games.

That's why they were on Katniss' side. When Birch was in the Games again, Cato was not ok. He was freaking out and couldn't do anything without her. Birch and Cato missed each other so much.

Cato was so grateful and thankful when Katniss and the others brought Birch to District 13, because he went there, because he knew that they were going to be there. They helped take down Snow and then they went back to the Districts and settled down.

Maybe they had kids. Maybe they didn't. Who knows? Not me. I'll leave that up to you.

So, without further ado, I'm going to wrap up this amazing journey and opportunity. Hopefully, someday, we'll be together again in another fanfic.

Thanks and much love with best wishes,


P.S. I'm making a sequel.....

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