Chapter 6: Training (Cato PoV)

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     I woke up. I was on the couch and remembered my dream. I take a shaky breath. I sit up and go into the kitchen. I grab a granola bar for breakfast. I head to the Training Center. I walk in and see the last person I expected to see.
     It's Clove. And she's throwing knives? I shrug. But she hates throwing. Besides, I think. She's horrible at it. I walk over to my usual place. I pick up a new sword. I need to try to get my mind on anything but Birch. I do a few practice swings.
     It's heavier than usual. Good, I think. A challenge. Now, I just gotta get good with it. I swing and try to hit a dummy. I barely miss where the heart would be. I grimace. Heart. What is Birch? My heart. I glare at the dummy and want to scream.
     I swing again. I hit it in the neck. I twirl away. I lunge and hit it in the side. I smile a little. I bring my sword up and slash through the dummy. It starts bleeding stuffing. I grab it, pick it up and then I throw it away.
     I grab a new one. This one lasts even shorter than the first one. I replace it and start swinging. I make this one last longer, slowing down my swings. I make sure each one would be lethal. I start slowly speeding up the swings. Eventually, each one is fast and lethal. I smirk and look at the dummy. It's completely trashed.
     I go to grab a new one and feel a hand on my wrist. I turn and am met with the face of a heartbroken, broken Clove. She looks horrible. Her eyes are bloodshot. Her hair is a mess. Her face looks pale. Her eyes look dull. There isn't any light left in them. Birch took it all away when she left.
     "Help," she croaks out. "Help me. Please. You helped her. Please. I want to learn and get better. For her," she says, voice breaking. I nod, not trusting my words or voice. I put my sword back and pick up some knives. I do some practice throws.
     I'm not as good as Birch, but I'm not terrible. I go through the steps slowly and make sure that Clove watches. She's actually ok. She's pretty good.
     She hits the target. I smile a little at her. Her eyes look a little brighter. I watch and help her until lunch. We go and eat in silence. We don't sit by anyone. Everyone looks at Clove with pity.
     Some even pat her shoulder or her back. They say their sorry or that they're gonna miss Birch. Or that they know and hope that she's gonna win. Their lies are so obvious. It makes me sick. Clove looks like she is going to cry, again. I hate how the Games can make people like us weak.
     Strong people. Unemotional people.  Friends. Family. Possible lovers. People who care. People who just want a happy ending. People. Just people in general.
     I finally snap. A girl named Silver places her hand on Clove's shoulder. In a sickly sweet voice she says, "I'm so sorry. I know she can do it! She can and will win!" I slam my hand on the table. Everyone looks at me.
     Everyone looks scared. I'm scary enough anyways. I'm worse when I'm yelling. Clove looks at me, thankful. I glare at everyone. I sit down. "WHAT ARE YOU STARING AT?" I yell. Everyone looks away. I stab my food with my fork.
     I feel a hand on top of mine. "Thank you," Clove says in a weak voice. "They don't know her. And they never will." I nod and stand up with my food. I throw it away. I walk to the training room. I put on armor and wait for people to come back. I sword fight with people for the rest of the day.
     By the time I take my armor off, I have cuts and bruises up and down my arms. I don't notice until Clove helps me clean them and bandage them up. I thank her and go to leave. "You know," I stop in the doorway. "Stop crying. She can still come back. Besides, we need to be strong for her. Oh and by the way, happy belated birthday," I say to Clove.
     Birch and Clove's birthday is five days before Reaping Day, but we always celebrate after Reaping Day for this exact reason. I walk out and go home. I go to sleep. I become a robot in my actions. I don't stop the process until the Interviews. 

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