Chapter 2: Reaping Day (Cato Pov)

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"Clove! Hey wait up!" I yelled to one of my friends. Her sister, Birch looked over both of their shoulders. Birch shyly waved and I nodded my head at her. She quickly looked away. I looked closer at them and saw that they were clutching each other's hands.

     I smiled. It was kinda cute. I jogged over and put an arm around both of their shoulders. I glanced down at Birch, but she was still looking at the ground. I wanted to ask her what was wrong, but I couldn't. Clove started talking to me, so I chatted with her.

      I chatted with her, but thought about Birch. She was cute. She had beautiful, nice, soft, long hair. She was kinda pale, but that made her cuter. She was short, but skinny, kind of like a twig. I thought about running my hands through her hair and hugging her whenever I wanted to. I thought about what it would be like to kiss her and face the world together.

     I thought of her never leaving my side. Of her staying together. I thought of a future together. I shook my head and walked to the boys line. I got my blood sampled and went and stood in the 14 year old boys section.

     The mayor started giving his speech. I felt my eyes wander to Birch. Her and Clove were gripping hands again. She may be a year younger, but she was still amazing. But, she doesn't do the best at school. She's just too nice. She's too human. Too pure. She hates violence. She's gentle. She's kind.

     Everything that District 2 isn't supposed to be. But she can defend herself if she needs to.

     I heard the Panem National Anthem and looked at the screens. Like almost every other kid in District 2, I cheered whenever something actiony happened. I cheered at the Capitol winning. I cheered at the bombing of District 13. I looked up at the District 2 escort.

     "Happy Hunger Games everyone! Our female tribute is Birch Jones!" She said excitedly. My heart thudded in my ears. Her expression didn't change. I watched as she let go of Clove's hand. I watched as she walked up to the stage. She didn't look or act scared, but I knew she was. I knew her.

     I was scared for her. I blocked out everything else. I was staring at her and her alone. She looked at me and then looked away. She always seemed to do that. I wanted to punch Snow in the face. My fists were clenched. I didn't even hear who the male tribute was.

     I marched to the District 2 townhouse. I marched over to where I found out Birch is. I see her family being escorted out. I see and hear Clove and her mom sobbing. I see her dad holding back tears. His fists are clenched.

     I hope he doesn't punch a peacekeeper. But if he does, then I hope he does it with my help. I run into the room Birch is in, the doors slamming shut behind me. She runs to me and I rub her back."Shhh. Shhh. It's ok. It's ok. It's gonna be ok Birch," I whisper in her ear.

     "It's gonna be fine. You're gonna go in there and show them what District 2 does. What you do. I believe in you. I don't wanna lose you. Please. Win for Clove. Win for you. Win for me. Win for us. Then, once you win, we just wait for a few years, and we'll both be safe. Please. I need you Birch. Try. For me," I whisper in her ear, voice quivering.

     She hugs me back. I'm trying not to cry. I can't live without her. I can't. I can't and I won't. I won't. I refuse to. She has to win. The only other people who have a bigger chance than her are District 1 and possibly the other District 2 tribute.

    "I promise," she says.  "I promise Cato. But, just in case. Take this. And this," she says, handing me a folded piece of paper that's a letter for me.

     I nod. "What's the other thing?" I whisper to her. She smiles sadly and kisses me. On the cheek. I'm stunned. "That. Cato, I know that it was-" she's taken off guard by 2 peacekeepers. I watch as she walks away. I just stand there in shock for a good 20 minutes.

      I left and went to Clove's house. Birch's dad answered. He was a mess. I can only assume that right now Clove and her mom are worse. He let me in and I went straight to Birch's room. Clove and her mom were in there sobbing. I went to the hallway and slid down the wall. I put my head in my hands. I want to scream and cry. We all know that she promised that she would try, but she was too nice. This time, for her own good.

     People are gonna figure that out and use it to there advantage. I want to pound my hands on the wall and beat someone up. I want to go in her room. I want to run to the Capitol just to see her one last time. I want to volunteer to protect her. To be with her. I need her.

     I want to go and hug her. I want to teach her how to defend herself. I want to hug her. I want to hold her. I hear someone get up. I look up and see her mom standing there and looking at me.

     She smiled sadly at me and went downstairs. Clove got up and walks to the doorway. She clears her throat and I stand up. I run to the room and burst inside. It's spotless. Not even a shirt on the floor.

     I rush to the bed and sit on the edge. I smile softly to myself. I remember coming over her and helping Clove and her mom take care of Birch when she was sick. When she hurt her leg after falling over the railing of the stairs. After tripping at school. After running in the rain. After she fell after trying to give Clove a piggyback ride.

     When she couldn't sleep. When she had a nightmare. When we were late for school because she slept in. When we would hang out. I smile and feel the tears stinging my eyes. I miss her so much already. I should've told her when I had the chance.

     I start sobbing. I scream in frustration and slam my fist on the bed. I crumple onto the matress, sobbing. I curl up into a ball. I sob and clutch her stuffed bear that she got for her birthday last year from me.

     I sob and can't stop. After a while, I feel someone sit down. I feel a hand on my back and hear a sniffle. I know exactly who it is. I just don't wanna talk.

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