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Just as the bell rang for my second last period of the day I hear girls screaming like they are being murdered. That must be the bitch club I thought, knowing what caused them to scream.

The entire class ran out into the hallway seeing the girls standing in shock because of their new hair colour.

I had to try really hard not to laugh, but one of the girls must have notice that I really wanted to laugh.

"It was you, wasn't it you rat", she came screaming and pointing her finger towards me.

"Why would you-"

I was cut of by the words of a male voice.

"Yes it was her and I got video evidence to proof it", the voice said.

"What the hell, Tyler this was your idea and now you framed me, you used me you asshole why would you do that to me?"

"Did you really think I want to hang out with you, I mean yes you are really good looking with your clear skin, deep blue eyes, black hair and amazing legs but I'm with Rebecca and I don't like desperate girls but I really didn't do anything I mean you are clearly the one who did all of the work. You could have desided not to do it but you were to stupid to notice"

I almost started crying but that would make this situation way worse than it already is.

To say the least the bitch club made sure I'm getting kicked out of school for atleast two weeks, and when school starts I would have 2 weeks of detension.

I still could not help but wonder why Tyler would use me and why he would do that to his own love, if he really liked her he wouln't have died her hair a terrible orange.

When my mom picked me up at school after getting a call in the middle of a very immportant work meeting to come and get her daughter from school because of terrible behaviour she definitely wasn't in her best mood.

"MIA , we came here for a fresh start and you broke your record, on the second day of freeking school you get kicked out of school for two weeks, I don't want history to repeat itself, do you understand me?" my mother asked angerly.

"Yes, mother I understand you."

Luckely I was saved by my girls when my mother dropped me off at my gym. I could really really use a sparring session right now. Lily my best friend aka my favourite sparring partner decided to join me today at the gym.

I started the training session of slow with some cardio exercises and pull ups. Then I started teaching my new girls and junior some tecnique like how to do a hook with a great effect.

When all of my little future boxing champs went home me an Lily started our sparing session in the ring, both of us needed a few punches in the face. I had to get rid of the anger inside if me and she had to get rid of the anger inside of her caused by her ex.

Since we are both champion boxers we desided to kit up fully and make it look like a real fight with twelf rounds, by the time we were finished both of us had a swollen eye and a bleeding nose but we felt better.

Untill i got home...



Hey guys leave in the comments what you think of this chapter.

Question: Would you like to be a boxer ? Or are you a boxer because I am  a female kickboxer.

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