28. Fight night.

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♡Day before fight...

Noah was extremely unhappy with Tyler helping his girl so we ended up training the entire day before his fight to get rid of all his bad vibes and anger. Training before a fight is not such a good thing because you might get injured and won't be able to fight. Noah didn't eat anything during the day because he had a weigh in at four pm. The entire day went by in a blur and before we knew it Me and Noah was standing at the scale hoping to see the perfect weight for our weight catagory. I already knew I was fighting Lily but who ever Noah's fighting was still a mystery. Noah weighed 80 kg.

We saw the back of a nicely tanned young man with black hair and strong arms. I had a good feeling about this guy he looked like a good match for Noah.

I heard the anouncement. 82Kg. Noah vs Tyler.

He turned around and my heart stopped. No No No No No, Noah can't be fighting Tyler. Noah won't be able to handle Tyler. Tyler and I grabbed our stuff and rushed to the car. I drove to the gym as fast as I could and  showed Noah some srronger attacks after about an hour of training I send him home to get a good nights sleep before tomorrow.

♡ Fight night...

"Lily and Mia please go to the warm up area!", I heard our names being called out by the anouncer.

We grabbed our gymbags, quickly got dressed,wrapped our hand and started warming up. Our hair was braided to prevent irretation.Lily looked at me and gabe me a smile.

"Whatever happens, happens, susters for life", she said and made me a pinky promised.

I grabbed her my the pinky and pulled her into a strong hug.

I grabbed my red pair of boxing gloves and my black mouth guard as I heard my walk in song playing. I walk toward the big boxing ring in the middle of a room.

Lily and I got into the room and I could see that she was nervous, to be homest I was nervous as well. Lily is an extremelly good fighter.

"Fighter center! Fight!", I heard the referee yell.

Lily immediately came in with a right jab to my nose but I blocked it, throwing a right hook to her left eye. I felt my glove going against her skin. She shook her head fast and uppercut me right by nose. Which made my fision blurry. Trying to see I quickly threw a jab, cross and a left hook knocking Lily out cold. I felt so bad seeing that she's my best friend bit in boxing we've been teached that you can be friends outside of the ring but inside of the ring you are enemies.

"And the winner of this fight is all time champion, Mia croft!", I heard my name being yelled out and my arm being pulled up in the air as soon as they anounced me winner I immediately went to go and check on Lily who seems to be fine.

"That was a good fight champ", Lily yelled and started to laugh. "We should do it again, once my nose is all healed up."

I just shooled my head and hurried towards the warm up room where Noah already was. I placed my hands on the sides of his face and looked him dead in the eye.

"Do not get mad, being mad makes you stupid. Remember this is just a fight not a way to kill him!",I said laughing.

"How do you feel...nervous?"

"Yeah very nervous", he replied with a shaky voice.

"Well no time to be nervous, you need to go", I said giving him a small kiss.

Noah's walk in song started playing as he walked to the ring where Tyler was already standing

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Noah's walk in song started playing as he walked to the ring where Tyler was already standing.

He got Inside of the ring. The referee told them to get to the center and I could see that Tyler wisperd something to Noah.


Tyler came in with a basic jab but Noah blocked it. Noah threw some light punshes.He came in with another punch trying to push Noah into one of the sides of the ring but Noah was smart. He made Tyler tired before he actually started his fight. When Tyler started gasping for air Noah made his first big move. Noah punched him in the stomic right between the ribs. Knocking all of his wind out. I could see that Noah enjoyed seeing Tyler suffer after all the trauma that Tyler caused for Noah. Tyler struggled to get his air bag so Noah came in with some basic jabs and a right hook. He then added a uppercut to the nose leaving Tyler with a bloody nose. Noah got Tyler into one of the rings corners so he could aim really nicely and Tyler was extremely tired so he could not hold his hands up the entire time. Noah kept on punching Tyler in the ribs until there was a cracking sound. Noah ended the fight with a right hook to the head knocking Tyler out cold.

The anouncer crowned him champion and I ran up into the ring and jump right into his arms snd kissed him. "I'm so proud of you Noah." i said and gave him another kiss.

Tyler came walking slowely but surely towards Noah and held out his hand. "Great fight bro, your really good."he said, turned around and walked away. Noah gave me another kiss. "I love you", he said.

"I love you to", I said and kissed him full out on the lips.


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