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When I entered the living room I knew what to expect, my mom and dad will be punishing me for the stunt I pulled at school today.

"Let me guess...I'm grounded arn't I"

"Actually Darling we wanted to ask you something...Why did you prank the girl?"

I stood there in shock, they never asked me why I did what I did before.

"Uhm she's the mean girl of the school and I wanted to teach her a lesson not to mess with me, I don't want to repeat history."

"Love, I think we need to get you some help to get rid of your demons in the past", Dad said.

"Seriously....a shrink...what the hell is wrong with you, I don't need a shrink to mess with my head, I'm not crazy. The only thing I need help with is to teach al the meangirls and bullies a lesson to never mess around with people smaller than them or any people in that case."

"Love, no one said you are crazy. Your mother and I just wanted to help and support you", dad said conserned.

"I don't need your help, I'm staying at Lily's tonight, atleast she doesn't think I'm crazy."


At Lily's

"I can't believe your dad said that you need to go see a shrink, but to be honest I think he was just trying to help and I'm not taking his side but I know your past bothers you alot so maby he was just trying to help." Lily said.

"Why are you guys so paranoid, it's not like I am on a suicide mission or killing spree, well atleast not at the moment."

"I'm not paranoid but I'm not so sure about your parents though", Lily said.

"Well you sure sound paranoid Lily."

"No Mia, I'm not. I just want whats best for you and I need you to stay away from that Tyler dude." Lily said with meaning.

"Why? Except fot the fact that he's a total douchbag."

"Well obviously you saw the douchbag side of him and the charming side of him. Like you know those green eyes, black hair and don't  get me started on those abs of his, but like all badboys he kinda has a really bad reputation when it comes to girls." Lily warned me.

From the looks of it that one girl, Rebecca sure do like him alot.

"So about this Rebecca girl that Tyler like so much, any details I should know about?"

"Let's see, Rebecca, the one with the long brown hair, deep Green eyes and beautiful long legs. The leader of the bitch group, the captain of the cheerleading sqaud, lead singer in her band and warning: Do not mess with her or the guy that she likes or you will be dealt with, ecxacly what happend to you." Lily warned.

"I really do hate girls who think that everything and everyone belongs to them. I just call them...The Bitchy Barbies"

♡1 week later♡

Since I'm not aloud to be at school for two weeks, I spend most of my time in my gym training and training till I physically can't move anymore.

I have decided to go visit the shrink a few times, but only because my parents wouldn't let me go to my gym to teach my girls if I didn't see one. So far I had 5 private sessions but my next session will be with a group of strangers, all teenagers near my age and in my school. Just great.

♡ Next day♡

Today's the day of my group session and it will be amazing you know, a room fulled with moody teens with issues and alot of drama.

I walked into the room through a blue door and saw alot of people staring at me, obviously I would be the last person to walk into a room with about 30 people inside.

As I walk in I try and look for an open chair, but I didn't have any luck.

"Here take my chair, I didn't feel like sitting in the first place," I hear a male  voice say.

"Uhm thank you, how nice of you", I replied shyly.

I must admit he look kinda cute even with his glasses, blond hair and green eyes. He doesn't look like the sporty type, more like the reading and smart type but I'm not one to judge.



Heyyyy my amazing people🤗❤

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Question: Who do you think was the lovely gentelmen in the group session? ;)

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