18. Unwanted student.

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One month later...

Things have been really good lately. Noah  moved back into his own house. We've been training a lot and we are back at school.

Me and Noah are actually on our way to the gym now. He doesn't know it yet but I'm busy preparing him for his first fight and yes with me as a coach he won't come in second place.

We started with our sparring session and we will do some punches against the boxing bag later on.

Tyler POV:

"Dude you don't understand, now that the girl and Noah are back at school, we can get revenge on them!"

"Really bro, don't you think breaking into that Noah guy's house is enough?" my stupid friend Jake asked.

"Does it sound like it's enough, I want to really get him were it hurts the most you know, because he and his little girlfriend embarrased me infront of the entire school."

"I get the point, what are you planning for your revenge?" Jake asked me while curiously looking at me for an awnser.

"I want to start with boxing, so I can beat them up and embarrass them just like they embarrassed me."

"That sounds like a great plan and I actually know a great place for you to train, my girlfriend used to train there!" Jake said while taking out his phone to show me the adress of the gym.

"Your girlfriend?"

"Okay fine...my ex girlfriend!" Tom said.

"Jake I think it's time for you to find a new girl, your ex Chloe was really stupid and definitely clingy." I said while laughing.

"Well I heard that at this spesific boxing club there's like tons of super hot chicks. Aparently they're the super model type." Jake said with a grin on his face.

"Now I'm definitely joining, where is this place?"

"I messaged you the adress, I hope you find the perfect girl or boxing partner!" Jake said laughing while he started jogging away from me.

Now all I have to do is find this stupid gym. I just want to punch something. I already know I'm going to be the best in the gym. I'm ready to be a champion.

About an hour later I found the gym but just before I entered, I saw something or rather someone that made me stop in my tracks.

It's Noah and his little girl friend and she's actually giving him boxing classes.

WTF...If she's going to train me, It wouldn't help much. What can a girl teach me in anyways.

I saw alot of posters on the wall through the window but one spesific one got all of my attention.

It's a picture of Mya or Mina or whatever her name is with a really big trophy and two gold medals with a few word... Boxing World Champion.

Oh this is going to be fun, I think I just found the perfect girl...for the job.

♡♡♡Next day at school...

Mia POV:

"Hello there love...we need to talk." Tyler said.

I almost jumped into my locker because I didn't expect to hear those words.

"No, we don't need to talk."

"Yeah that wasn't a question, If you want your secret to stay safe, you will listen to me." Tyler said with a big grin on his face knowing that he just found the right thing to blackmail me with.

"Sorry to destroy your plans but I don't have secrets."

"Oh so it's alright with you if I tell everybody that you are a boxing champion with a bad reputation in you previous schools. Yeah thats right, I did my research turns out you arn't as sweet as you pretend to be." he said while looking me dead in the eye and coming closer to wisper in my ear.

"You will train me and if you don't every one will see the photos of your little incident in the math class with the poor little cheerleader." he said and walked away with a big smile on his face, as if he just won the lotto.

All I can think about is Noah.
How am I going to tell him...or Lily for that matter, that I'm going to train him and yeah this might sound selfish but I really don't want anyone to see that photos so I will do anything...even If it means training the one and only... Tyler Parks.

Lily came walking towards me and gave me the what happened to you look. I had to try and hide my emotions so that they don't get suspisious. Luckly I got saved by the bell and I hurried to my second last period of the day...which was maths.

During the entire math period Tyler wouldn't stop looking at me with that super annoying grin on his face, I guess he's waiting for an awnser which I already decided on. Suddenly I hear my phone buz.

"So are you going to train me or should I start posting your photos on sosial media."

"Fine I will train you, just promise me you won't send the photos out, and where did you get my number? I asked getting really irretating.

"Oh I have my ways of getting information, you don't have to worry."he said and gave me a weird look.

Atleast one good thing comes from training Tyler. I would be able to punch him legally as hard as I like and all I would save if he gets injured is that he needs to be tougher. He's training to be a boxer not a teddie bear.



Heyy there guys...

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Feel free to comment and give ideas if you would like😁
I really enjoy reading all of the comments.😊😋

Love you all❤


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